Course Descriptions

CLA 110

Ancient Greece: History and Archaeology

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (HIS), CLA 110. An introduction to the history and archaeology of ancient Greece and Greek Civilization from the Bronze age to the death of Alexander the Great. (Lec. 2, Rec. 1) (A3) (B1)

CLA 301

The Hellenistic World

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (HIS), CLA 301. The history, archaeology, and civilization of the Hellenistic World from Alexander the Great to the Death of Cleopatra VII. (Lec. 3) Pre: sophomore standing or permission of instructor.

CLA 302

The Roman Empire

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (HIS), CLA 302. The history, archaeology, and civilization of the Roman Empire from Augustus to Constantine. (Lec. 3) Pre: sophomore standing or permission of instructor.

CLA 391

Ancient Laughter: The Comic Tradition in Greece and Rome

(3 crs.) Introduction to the comic tradition in Western literature through its origins in Greece and Rome. Readings in English translation include examples of comic drama, novel, and satire. (Lec. 3/Online) (A3) (C2)

CLA 395

Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans

(3 crs.) Nature and function of myth in the ancient world and today: ideas of divinity, relationship of divine to human, origins of cosmos and human society, male and female principles, power hierarchies, coming of age, the heroic experience. Theories of myth analysis. Readings in English translation. (Lec. 3/Online) (A3) (C2)

CLA 396

Myths of Rome

(3 crs.) Nature and function of myth in Roman society; origins and influence of Romanitas as found in Roman literature: history, epic, lyric, novel. Roman religion: magic, animism, anthropomorphism, gods and goddesses. Readings in English translation. (Lec. 3/Online) (A3) (C2)

CLA 397

Greek Myth and Tragedy

(3 crs.) Relationship between Greek myth and classical tragedy, birth and evolution of tragedy (ancient, medieval, French, English, American), employment of the same myth for different dramatic and political purposes. Readings in English translation. (Lec. 3/Online) (A3) (C2)

CLA 497

Directed Study

(1-6 crs.) Individual research. (Independent Study) Pre: faculty acceptance of project. Prior or concurrent registration in a LAT or GRK or CLA course recommended. May be repeated for credit with different topic. Not for graduate credit. Must be taken for at least 3 credits for General Education credit. (B4) (C2)

Ancient Greek

GRK 101

Ancient Greek I

(3 crs.) Grammar and syntax of Attic Greek, reading practice. (Lec. 3) Pre: no previous Greek is required. Will not count toward the language requirement if the student has studied Greek for more than one year within the last six years. (A3) (C2)

GRK 102

Ancient Greek II

(3 crs.) Continuation of GRK 101. Students enrolling in this course should have taken GRK 101 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) (A3) (C2)

GRK 301

Intermediate Greek I

(3 crs.) Grammar review; readings such as Lysias' Against Eratosthenes. Students enrolling in this course should have taken GRK 102 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) (A3) (C2)

GRK 302

Intermediate Greek II

(3 crs.) Readings selected in accordance with interests of students. Students enrolling in this course should have taken GRK 301 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) May be repeated for credit with a different topic. May be taken once for general education credit. (A3) (C2)

GRK 497

Directed Study

(1-6 crs.) Individual readings and research. (Independent Study) Pre: acceptance of project by faculty member and approval of chairperson. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. (A3) (C2)


LAT 101

Beginning Latin I

(3 crs.) Latin grammar and syntax. Exercises in reading prose. (Lec. 3) Pre: no previous Latin is required. Will not count toward the language requirement if the student has studied Latin for more than one year within the last six years. (A3) (C2)

LAT 102

Beginning Latin II

(3 crs.) Continuation of LAT 101. Students enrolling in this course should have taken LAT 101 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) (A3) (C2)

LAT 301

Intermediate Latin

(3 crs.) Grammar review; readings such as Petronius' Satyricon. Students enrolling in this course should have taken LAT 102 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) (A3) (C2)

LAT 302

Intermediate-Advanced Latin

(3 crs.) Study of Latin texts from different time periods and different genres; syllabus changes on a four-year rotational basis. Students enrolling in this course should have taken LAT 301 or equivalent. (Lec. 3) May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits with different topics. May be taken once for General Education credit. (A3) (C2)

LAT 497

Directed Study

(1-6 crs.) Individual readings and research. (Independent Study) Pre: acceptance of a project by a faculty member; approval of section head. May be repeated for credit with different topic. (A3) (C2)

LAT 498

Directed Study

(1-6 crs.) Individual readings and research. (Independent Study) Pre: acceptance of a project by a staff member; approval of section head. May be repeated for credit with different topic.