Part I

Statutes and Rules for the Government of the University

Chapter 1 –

Annotations and reference links are provided throughout the University Manual. However, for a complete and comprehensive reference to current Board of Trustees bylaws, refer to; for a complete and comprehensive reference to state statutes governing the University, refer to R.I. Gen. Laws §16 – 32 – 1 – 42. Administrative Report July, 2024

Chapter 1 – The University of Rhode Island Land Acknowledgement, Board of Trustees and the President of the University #22-23-2

The University of Rhode Island 

1.10.10 Land Acknowledgement Statement. “The University of Rhode Island occupies the traditional stomping ground of the Narragansett Nation and the Niantic People. We honor and respect the enduring and continuing relationship between the Indigenous peoples and this land by teaching and learning more about their history and present-day communities, and by becoming stewards of the land we, now too, inhabit.” #22-23-2

1.10.20 Background.  The University of Rhode Island, the state’s land and sea grant research institution began as the state of Rhode Island’s Agricultural Experiment Station and agricultural school chartered in 1888. In 1892, the institution’s name was changed to the Rhode Island College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. This name was subsequently changed to Rhode Island State College in 1909. The current name- the University of Rhode Island— was adopted in 1951 by an act of the State of Rhode Island’s General Assembly. For a complete history of the University, refer to Administrative Report July, 2024 

1.10.30 Mission. The University of Rhode Island is the state’s flagship land and sea grant research institution, with a commitment to urban initiatives. A student-centered research institution, URI actively partners with other organizations globally and locally to advance knowledge and to develop informed residents and leaders. URI is committed to high-quality education, community engagement, and solving the world’s most important challenges. Situated on the traditional land and territories of the Narragansett Nation and the Niantic People, URI strives to create a diverse and inclusive environment for researchers, teachers, learners, and community members.  Administrative Report July, 2024

1.10.40 Values. The University of Rhode Island is committed to the following foundational values:

  • Freedom to learn, teach, create, and conduct research with integrity in the pursuit and dissemination of new knowledge aimed at contributing to the public good. 
  • An inclusive, accessible, equitable and diverse community whereby we respect the rights and dignity of all. 
  • Intellectual curiosity, lifelong learning, leadership, and scholarship in creating a thriving URI community in service to Rhode Island and the world. 
  • Sustainability and care of our environment conducive to the physical and mental health of our community. 
  • Self- and institutional reflection of our values in our work, scholarship and interactions, holding ourselves, each other, and the institution accountable to uphold them to a high standard.  Administrative Report July, 2024

Board of Trustees

1.20.10 Background. In 2019, the Rhode Island General Assembly enacted Public Law 2019, Ch. 88, Art. 9, § 3 creating the University of Rhode Island Board of Trustees, later codified as R.I. Gen. Laws §16-32-2, becoming effective February 1, 2020, which replaced the Board of Governors.  Administrative Report January 2017, Administrative Report February 2021, Administrative Report July, 2024

1.20.11 Composition of the Board Trustees and Quorum Requirements.

Initial membership of the Board of Trustees is defined in the original R.I. Gen. Laws §16 – 32 – 2.2. 

The Board of Trustees shall consist of seventeen (17) voting members and five (5) non-voting ex officio members, including: 

  • one (1) URI faculty member appointed by the President; 
  • one (1) URI student to be appointed by the President; 
  • the President of the University; 
  • the chair of the Rhode Island Board of Education; 
  • and the chair of the Rhode Island Council on Postsecondary Education.

The members shall be appointed in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Section §16-32-2.2, which specifies that the governor will appoint the members with the advice and consent of the senate, and with due consideration to recommendations from the President of the University and the chair of the Board of Trustees. 

At least three (3) of the members appointed by the governor shall be residents of the state of Rhode Island, at least one (1) of those members shall be selected after due consideration from a list of names of at least five (5) individuals submitted by the speaker of the house of representatives, and at least one (1) of those members shall be selected from a list of names of at least five (5) individuals submitted by the president of the senate. 

The President of the University of Rhode Island will appoint one (1) faculty member and one (1) student member who shall be a full-time student in good standing at the University, and who shall both serve in non-voting, ex officio capacity for a single two (2) year term. 

A majority of voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and the vote of a majority of those present and voting shall be required for action. 

A majority of the Board shall elect the chair of the Board from among the seventeen (17) voting board members pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the Board establishing the procedure for electing a chair in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-32-2.2

In addition, the members of the Board shall elect a vice chair. The terms of office shall be three years or until a duly appointed successor is elected.  Administrative Report January 2017, Administrative Report February 2021, Administrative Report July, 2024

1.20.12  Chief Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees (“Board”) is established by act of the Rhode Island General Assembly as the exclusive fiduciary authority for the University of Rhode Island (“University” or “URI”). In that capacity, the Board is legally entrusted with the institution’s care and has the critical responsibility for protecting the integrity of the institution’s mission as Rhode Island’s premier institution of higher education and overseeing compliance with all provisions of the law. To meet its statutory mandate as the ultimate governing authority for the University of Rhode Island, the Board of Trustees performs a number of critical functions, including but not limited to:

  • Appointment of the President and evaluation on an annual basis; 
  • Review and approval of the Strategic Plan and the three-year funding plan for the University, which is to be developed and submitted to the Board by the President; Upon receipt of the recommendations of the President and appropriate faculty bodies, approval of the awarding of degrees (including honorary degrees, diplomas, certificates and honors to be conferred by the President); 
  • Approval of recommendations made by the President regarding the awarding of tenure to qualified members of the University faculty; 
  • Review of the University’s performance under the institution’s Strategic Plan developed and reported by the President and university community; 
  • Stewardship of University physical, financial, and human resources consistent with the provisions of all applicable statutes and regulations and policies of the Board of Trustees;
  • Promoting and enforcing integrity and effectiveness of all aspects of the University’s budgeting and financial management, including changes in tuition and fees, submission and approval of the University’s annual budget and three-year financial projections;
  • Approve the creation or termination of new academic majors and the creation, consolidation or termination of academic departments, schools and colleges based on the recommendations of the President who shall have followed the appropriate University process. Administrative Report January 2017, Administrative Report February 2021,  Administrative Report July, 2024

The President of the University

1.30.10 Presidential Powers and Shared Governance.

Per R.I. Gen. Laws §16 – 32 – 2.1, the President of the University shall have the following additional powers and duties: 

  • To create, and consolidate departments, divisions, programs, and courses of study within the university and the approved role and scope of the president’s authority adopted by the Board of Trustees. Any new or proposed eliminations of departments, divisions, programs, or courses of study that are outside the role and scope approved by the Board shall require the review and approval of the Board; 
  • To adopt a budget for the university and submit to the Board of Trustees for approval. 
  • To be responsible for the general management of property of the university.
  • To recommend to the Board of Trustees, tables of organization for the university. 
  • To submit to the Board of Trustees and to compile and analyze institutional information for presentation to the Board annually. 

Shared Governance – This presidential authority must be exercised “consistent with shared governance practices, [and] in conformity with R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-32-10,” which states that it “shall also be the duty of the president and a committee of the faculty, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, to arrange courses of study conforming to all acts of Congress, and prescribe any qualifications for the admission of students and any rules of study, exercise, discipline, and government as the president and committee may deem proper.” The committee of the faculty to which this legislation refers has been and is understood to be the Faculty Senate of the University.   Administrative Report January 2017, Administrative Report February 2021  Administrative Report July, 2024