Maple Water

Disclaimer: The findings discussed are lab based and further studies need to be done.

Maple water is the healthier alternative to sugary sports drinks after a long, hard workout. It is most similar to regular water, with high antioxidant properties.  Dehydration that occurs post-workout impairs physiological function and physical performance. 

But what is maple water? Maple water is pure, sterilized and pasteurized maple sap straight from the tree. To create the sweet syrup loved at breakfast, “maple water,” otherwise known as the maple sap, is drained from the tree, boiled, and bottled to be eaten with waffles in the morning. 

A study at URI compared maple sap in its original form to maple sap after being pasteurized and sterilized to see if these processes would change the chemical composition and the potential health benefits. 

The results were promising, and found that maple syrup and maple sap have a very close chemical composition after the purifying processes. Other important compounds like proteins, nutrients, minerals, and phenolics were also preserved, meaning the benefits of maple water are the same as those in maple syrup. 

Consider the switch to Maple Water for a refreshingly sweet way to hydrate.

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