Maple Sugaring Saturdays at Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

Maple Sugaring Saturdays at Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary—Topsfield
Saturdays, March 6-20, 2021

Take one of the naturalist-guided Weekend Maple Sugaring Tours on weekends from the last weekend in February through March 21st. Learn how to identify a sugar maple, observe tapping and sap collection methods, watch the sap being boiled down in the sugarhouse, and get a taste of the final product. After the one-hour tour, take some time to warm up in the barn by the woodstove, indulge in a hot dog cooked in maple sap, sample delicious soups and desserts made by volunteers, and browse through the gift shop. 


On a naturalist-guided tour, learn how to identify a sugar maple, observe tapping and sap collection methods, watch the sap being boiled down in the sugarhouse, and get a sweet taste of the final product.

Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary