The Health Benefits of Maple

Disclaimer: The findings discussed are lab based and further studies need to be done.

What are some of the health benefits of maple?

In 2012, a study done at the University of Rhode Island discovered 10 phenolics in red maple. These are antioxidant molecules that help combat unstable molecules in your body that cause damage to your DNA, also known as a “mutation” which is one of the ways various cancers arise. Essentially, these antioxidants help prevent cancers and other long-term health issues.

In the study, the stems of red maple were collected, grounded up and these unique compounds were extracted.

This study was also the first finding of molecules called A-type procyanidins and chalcone from any form of a maple tree. A-type procyanidins are known to lower inflammation which helps with conditions including diabetes, heart issues, obesity, cancer, asthma; etc. The additional finding of a chalcone is important because of its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-malarial, anti-tuberculosis anti-HIV, and anti-tumor potential. These lists of benefits really do go on and on!

Supplementing your diet with maple products over other sugar options will not only taste great but also help support your overall health.

Reference: Chunpeng Wan, Tao Yuan, Mingyong Xie, Seeram Navindra. (2012). Acer rubrum phenolics include A-type procyanidins and a chalcone. Biochemica and System Ecology 0305-1978 IF0.931. 10.1016/j.bse.2012.04.005.

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