Q.  Where can I find examples of how to complete an Emergency Response Plan?

  • A. The ERP Guide provides examples of common emergencies and what information will be necessary to get your water system up and running following an emergency.  The Guide is a tool to help you develop an Emergency Response Plan for your small water system.

Q.  How do the Emergency Response Planning “Guide” and the “Plan” relate to each other?

  • A.  Sections 1 – 12 in the ERP Guide correspond with sections A – K in the Plan.  For example, if you are working on section C of your plan, refer to section 3 of the guide for examples of what information is needed.

Q.  How does the Vulnerability Assessment relate to the Emergency Response Plan?

  • A.  A Vulnerability Assessment helps small water systems determine possible vulnerable components and identify security measures that should be considered to improve safety and preparedness.

Q.  Not all sections of the Emergency Response Planning guide pertain to my small water system.  Do I need to include a section that doesn’t apply?

  • A.  Sections that do not apply to your small water system can be skipped or removed from your plan.  The template tries to provide documentation for all small water systems with the understanding that some are smaller or larger than others.

Q.  Is anyone available for assistance in completing the ERP?

  • A.  Atlantic States Rural Water & Wastewater Association (ASRWWA) is available to assist you in completing an Emergency Response Plan for small water systems.  Please contact 401-864-3416.  More information is available on their website:  http://www.asrwwa.org/

Q.  Are funding sources available for developing an ERP for a small water system?

Q.  Why should my small water system join RI WARN?

  • A.  RI WARN is a Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network that allows water systems in Rhode Island to receive assistance from other systems in RI to restore facilities damaged by natural or man-made incidents. Utilities sign the RIWARN standard agreement, which then allows them to share resources with any other system in RI that has also signed the standard agreement.  For more information on RI WARN:  http://www.riwarn.org/

Website navigation FAQs

Q.  Where can I find drinking water order templates (“Boil water notices “, “Don’t drink”, etc.) to use in the case of an emergency?

  • A.  A list of seven drinking water orders can be downloaded from the “RI HEALTH Public Notices ” page of our ERP website.  Each document details public orders that can be personalized to your water system.

Q.  Where can I find a list of local Emergency Response contacts from RI EMA in Rhode Island?

  • A.  RI EMA has provided a list of contacts for each town in Rhode Island.  The following URL directs you to the list of towns; select your town for names and numbers.  https://www.ri.gov/towns/

Q.  Is there a list of contacts for different media outlets ?

  • A.  URI updates a collection of media contacts each year.  A word document with media contact information can be found on the “Resources” page of our ERP website.

Q.  Where can I find bulk water haulers in Rhode Island?

  • A.  A list of bulk water hauling businesses can be found on the “Resources” page of our ERP website.  Select “Resources” on the side navigation menu bar.

Q.  In the event of an emergency, where can I find state certified labs to test water quality?

  • A.  A downloadable document with lab names, addresses, and telephone numbers can be selected from the “Resources” page of our ERP website.

Q.  Where can I find information related to backup generators?

  • A.   A downloadable document created by the EPA can be found on the “Resources” page of our ERP website.  Select “Resources” on the side navigation menu bar.  The document addresses backup power needs, fuel type, and borrowing options.