Nicole Roberts

Location: Rhode Island, USA 

Level of Training: (Level I – 2021) 


Nicole Roberts is a native Rhode Islander happily married with three daughters: 6-year-old twins and a 3-year-old toddler. Becoming a mother and seeing the world through her children’s eyes is what reignited Nicole’s passion for social justice issues and led her to become involved with Kingian Nonviolence training. A strong proponent of the need for an intersection of social justice and Public Humanities as a source of education, Nicole has B.A. degrees in Psychology and Art and Humanities. She is currently studying for her Public Humanities A.M, with the intent of rolling it into an American Studies Ph.D. Aside from being a Level One Kingian Nonviolence Trainer, Nicole is also a member of NAACP, Rainbow PUSH, NOW, and Free Mom Hugs.

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