Nonviolent Resistance: Tibetan Freedom Struggle

Special guest lecture on nonviolent activism in Tibet with Ngawang Sangdrol.

When: November 9, 2022, 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM.

Where: Beaupre, 105. 140 Flagg Rd, Kingston, RI.

Ngawang Sangdrol is a champion of Human Rights and a beacon of nonviolent resistance against Chinese (CCP) oppression in Tibet. Born in Lhasa, Tibet, Sangdrol first participated in a demonstration for Tibetan Independence when she was ten. Even in the notorious Drapchi prison, where she suffered unimaginable torture, she protested peacefully and resisted unjust orders. In prison, Sangdrol and twelve other nuns secretly recorded songs, including “May No Others Suffer Like This.” In total, she served 23 years in Chinese jail but carried no bitterness in her heart. She continues to advocate for freedom and Human Rights in Tibet from exile.

Registration link for the event with Ngawang Sangdrol: