Research and Teaching

Note: this page is under construction, and this is only a partial selection of classes that visit or utilize the North Woods. We are actively working to develop a repository of classes and teaching materials related to North Woods. To suggest resources or classes to add, please Contact us.

There are various courses at URI that utilize the North Woods as an outdoor teaching forest, whether it’s to demonstrate soil types, identify native plant species, or practice wildlife management techniques. Here are a few of the many courses on URI’s campus that integrate hands-on learning in the North Woods.

  • NRS 309: Wildlife Field Techniques
  • NRS 323: Field Botany and Taxonomy
  • NRS 351: Soil Morphology Practicum
  • NRS 471: Soil Morphology and Mapping
  • NRS 417/517: Herpetology
  • NRS 424: Wetland Ecology
  • BES 521: Rhetorical Field Methods
  • WRT 306: Writing Health and Disability