Photos: Class of 2026 welcomed to nursing profession at White Coat Ceremony

Interim Dean Betty Rambur and the faculty of the URI College of Nursing welcomed the Class of 2026 into the nursing profession during the semi-annual White Coat Ceremony Tuesday morning in Edwards Auditorium.

The dean and faculty were joined by child and adolescent psychiatric nurse Elaine Meyer, a senior attending psychologist at Boston Children’s Hospital, faculty member at the Center for Bioethics, and associate professor of psychology at Harvard University Medical School. Meyer, whose work emphasizes patient/family perspectives and priorities, end-of-life care, challenging conversations in healthcare, and simulation education, urged to students to take the “Wizard of Oz” approach to nursing, utilizing courage, brains and heart.

“You are going to need all three ingredients to best care for your patients,” Meyer said. “There will be a time when you will have to call on your courage to advocate for your patient. Aspire to be a voice, not merely an echo for your patients. Use your brains to master and apply nursing science. Use your heart to imagine the patient’s perspective. Having a good balance of the three is what makes a good nurse a great nurse.”

After remarks from Rambur, Associate Dean Susan Desanto-Madeya and Clinical Associate Professor Joan Dugas, Students crossed the stage to receive their white lab coats, then recited a pledge to uphold the ethics and principles of the nursing profession, which reads:

“As a nurse dedicated to providing the highest quality care and service, I solemnly pledge that I will:

  • Consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primary concerns;
  • Act in a compassionate and trustworthy manner in all aspects of my care;
  • Apply my knowledge, experience and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal outcomes for my patients;
  • Exercise sound professional judgment while abiding by legal and ethical requirements;
  • Accept the lifelong obligation to improve my professional knowledge and competence;
  • Promote, advocate for and strive to protect the health, safety and rights of the patient.
  • With this pledge, I accept the duties and responsibilities that embody the nursing profession. I take this oath voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.”