Students enrolled in the URI Pathways to Nursing program shared their challenges and achievements over the past semester, and looked forward to continuing their journey toward a nursing degree during the annual Pathways Living Leadership reception in the Alumni Center Dec. 11.
College of Nursing Dean Barbara Wolfe and program administrator Professor Mary Cloud welcomed the group, congratulating them on their successes and urging them to continue displaying the leadership they have shown on campus and in their communities. Student Emely Baez presented leadership awards to several scholars in attendance, and handed out superlatives to several of her classmates. Guest speaker Dr. Yvonne Heredia, manager of Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island, shared her inspiring journey from the Chad Brown housing projects in Providence to earning her graduate nursing degree from URI and returning to care for underserved populations in the community. Heredia was recently named RI Monthly’s Nurse of the Year in a Non-Traditional Setting.
The Pathways to Nursing program at URI supports nursing students from historically underrepresented populations, such as those from economically disadvantaged and minority backgrounds. Aiming to reduce health care inequalities and achieve health equity by increasing diversity in the nursing workforce, the program provides students with resources and support to attain bachelor’s degrees in nursing over five years.
Pathways provides the following supports to promote student success especially in overcoming academic disadvantages and unfamiliarity with university culture:
- Appropriate sequencing or pacing of the Pathways to Nursing curriculum.
- Mentoring support from CON faculty, Talent Development (TD) and other URI staff as well as professional nurses in the community.
- Special programs to connect students with mentors.
- Hands-on opportunities through the Mentoring Program.
- Equipment and other supports as needed.