Barcott-Kim Nursing Fellowship

The Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim Nursing Fellowship honors two distinguished professors while inspiring today’s students to become the faculty of the future. 

Nursing schools across the country turn away tens of thousands of qualified nursing school applicants each year due to faculty shortages, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The Barcott-Kim fellowship exists to help registered nurses interested in completing a doctoral degree and going on to a career as a professor. Candidates must demonstrate a commitment to both research and teaching related to their area of specialty.

Apply for the Fellowship

To apply, contact Susan DeSanto-Madeya, Interim Associate Dean at

Give to the Fellowship


Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott and Dr. Hesook Suzie Kim

Dayle Joseph, Dean Emeritus

Honoring distinguished faculty

Professor Emerita Kim was a URI College of Nursing professor from 1973 until her retirement in 2004, and dean of the College from 1983 to 1988. She also was a professor at University of Oslo in Norway from 1992 to 2003. She has been an international researcher and leader in nursing theory development with an emphasis on the nature of nursing practice.

Schwartz-Barcott has more than 40 years of experience in guiding graduate students and mentoring faculty. She has collaborated internationally with researchers in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Korea. Her research focused on pain, anxiety, and other central phenomena experienced by patients across nursing care settings; community health; inductive approaches to theory development; and sociocultural influences on health and illness.

Kick-off Reception with U.S. Senator Jack Reed

A collective effort

The Hesook Suzie Kim Graduate Nursing Fund was established in 2002 by a former graduate student to honor Professor Kim for her 30 years of service. The donors of the recent gift, in conjunction with Dr. Kim, requested the fund be renamed to honor another highly regarded faculty member, Professor Emerita Donna Schwartz-Barcott, who retired in 2021.

A group of donors started the endowed fellowship with $600,000. An anonymous donor then set up a $500,000 matching challenge. A number of gifts combined to unlock the $500,000, and since then the total has grown to more than $2 million as many more have joined the cause.

Support the fellowship

If you’d like to support this fellowship or find other ways to support students and faculty at the College of Nursing, contact Eric Schonewald, Assistant Vice President for Development, Health Initiatives at

You can also give directly to the fellowship.

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