- Professor
- College of Nursing
- Phone: 401.874.5307
- Email: mdufault@mail.uri.edu
- Office Location: White Hall, Room 235, 39 Butterfield Road, Kingston, RI 02881
Dr. Marlene Dufault is Professor of Nursing at URI, teaching clinical program evaluation, research utilization and translation, leadership, and evidence-based practice. Her program of translational research spans 35 years and focuses on the development and testing of a high impact, low-cost collaborative model linking academic scientists and students with clinicians in research teams to develop and evaluate evidence-based clinical guidelines, standards of care, and policies. Aimed at integrating research findings to improve patient, clinician, student, and organizational outcomes, significant results have been achieved in student/clinician competency in using research, improving attitudes toward research, and in changing clinician practice in pain management, nurse’s shift handoffs, and Emergency Room triage nurse/patient communication. Current projects include near misses in clinical education, and decision-support technology for remote cancer symptom management.
Dr. Dufault is a Nursing Research Consultant to hospitals providing leadership to obtain and continue designation of the prestigious Magnet Award. She has provided over 150 consultations and presentations nationally and throughout Canada, Europe, China, and Australia. A member of the International Editorial Board for Worldview on Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, and the Journal of Nursing Measurement, she is a member of Delta Upsilon Chapter-at-Large, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing, the American Nurses Association, and the RI Health Department Arts and Health Advisory Board.
Research utilization; evidence-based practice; competency-based evaluation; pain management; evaluation/outcomes research; translational research
PhD, Education, University of Connecticut
MS, Nursing, University of Rhode Island
BS, Nursing, Alverno College
Selected Publications
Dufault, M., Dalky, A., Ritz, R. Begnoche, M, Chauvrn, M., Cherenzia, K., Corrente, J ., Laquale, P., Machan, J. (2021). SmartPhrase Interface Technology to Improve Cancer Symptom Management. Journal of Practical and Professional Nursing, 4024. https://doi.24966/ppn-5681/1000024.
Jaffa, G., Dufault, M., & Lavin, M. (2017). An Interprofessional Approach to Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis Care. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 49 (5), 318-323.
Gibson, K., Dufault, M., Bergeron, K. (2015). Prone positioning in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Nursing Standard, 29(50), 34-39. https://dx.doi.org/10.7748/ns.29.50.34.e9261
Dufault, M., Duquette, C., Ehmann, J., Hehl, R., Lavin, M., Martin, V., Moore, M.A., Sargent, S., Stout, P., & Willey, C. (2010). Translating an evidence-based protocol for nurses’ shift handoffs. Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing, 7(2), 59-75.
Dufault, M., Davis, B., Garman, D., Hehl, R., Henry, J., Lavin, M., Barnes-Mullaney, J., & Sout, P. (2008). Translating best practices in assessing capillary refill. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 5(1) 39-45.
Tracy, S., Dufault, M., Kogut, S., Martin, V., Rossi, S., & Willey-Temkin, C. (2006). Translating best practices in non-drug postoperative pain management. Nursing Research, 55(2S), S57-67.
Garman, D., Dufault, M., Hehl, R., Ehmann, J., Brennan, & Towers, N. (2005). Translating fall prevention best practices in the hospital setting: Reflecting on McInnes and Asklie’s (2004). Evidence review. Worldview on Evidence Based Nursing, Second Quarter, 94-97.
Dufault, M. (2004,). Using a collaborative research utilization model to translate best practices in pain management. Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing, Third Quarter, S26-32.
Janken, J. & Dufault, M. (2002). Improving the quality of pain assessment through research utilization. Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis, Document Number 2c.
Dufault, M. (2001). A program of research to test a collaborative model of research utilization in pain management. Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis, 8(3), Document 3.
Dufault, M. & Sullivan, M. (2000). Using a research utilization model to develop and test research-based pain management standards. Journal of Professional Nursing, August, 1-13.
Dufault, M. & Willey-Lessne, C. (1999). Using a collaborative research utilization model to develop and test the effects of clinical pathways for pain management. Nursing Care Quality, 13, 19-33.
Dufault, M. & Sullivan, M. (1999). The effectiveness of research-based pain management standards on patient outcomes. Image: The Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 31(4), 76-78.
Dufault, M. (1995). A collaborative model for research development & utilization: Process, structure, & outcomes. Journal of Nursing Staff Development, 11(3), 139-144.
Dufault, M., Willey, C., Bielecki, C., & Collins, E, (1995). Changing nurses pain assessment practice: A collaborative research utilization approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 21, 634-645
Dufault, M., Dagrosa, C., & Joseph, D. (1992). Elective clinical internship program: A statewide consortium initiative. Journal of Professional Nursing, 8, 239-244.
Dufault, M. A. (1990). Personal and work-milieu resources as variables associated with role mastery in the novice nurse. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 21(2), 73-78.
Janken, J. K., Dufault, M. A., & Yeaw, E. M. (1988). Research round tables: Increasing student/staff nurse awareness of the relevancy of research to practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 4, 186-191.
Dufault, M. A. (1985), Changing the locus of control of registered nurse students with a futuristic-oriented course. Journal of Nursing Education, 24, 314-319.