Course Descriptions

NUT 110

Introduction to the Fields of Nutrition and Dietetics

(1 cr.) Description of the educational and experiential requirements of a registered dietitian and a nutritionist. Career opportunities discussed. Designed for students entering the nutrition and dietetics major. Pre: Nutrition or Dietetics major or minor. (Lec. 1)

NUT 207

General Nutrition

(3 crs.) Fundamental concepts of the science of nutrition with application to the individual and community. Includes dietary sources of major nutrients, their physiological roles, requirements, and assessment methods. (Lec. 3/Online) (B3) (A1)

NUT 210

General Nutrition Lab

(1 cr.) Weekly laboratory experience collecting and interpreting dietary intake, anthropometric measures, and clinical values. (Lab. 2) Pre: Credit or concurrent enrollment in NUT 207.

NUT 212G

Public Health Nutrition

(3 crs.) Introduction to the concepts of public health as it relates to the field of nutrition in population-and individual-based approaches. A focus on obesity as a complex public health issue which requires understanding the individual, community and policy level influences with an emphasis on how equity and diversity impact these topics. (Lec. 3/Online and Accelerated Online Program) Pre: NUT 207. (C3) (A2) (GC)

NUT 245

Food Safety and Microbiology

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (NUT), CMB 245. This course covers the scientific principles that underpin food safety, including biological and chemical contamination, and addresses the safety of the food supply, regulatory agencies and current food safety issues. (Lec. 3)

NUT 276G

Food, Nutrition, and People

(3 crs.) Practical applications of nutrition policy. Current issues in the socioeconomic, cultural, and psychological influences on food and nutrition behavior. (Lec. 3) Pre: NFS 207. (A2) (GC)

NUT 336

Scientific Principles of Food I

(4 cr.) Chemical, physical, sensory, and nutritional properties of food related to processes used in food preparation. Emphasis on water, carbohydrates, lipids, and the sensory evaluation of food. (Lab 2, Lec. 3/Lab 2, Online) Pre: NUT207 and NUT210 and CHM124 or CHM227.

NUT 337

Scientific Principles of Food II

(4 crs.) Chemical, physical, sensory, and nutritional properties of food related to processes used in food preparation. Emphasis on proteins, scientific principles of baked goods, and research applications. (Lab 2, Lec. 3/Lab 2, Online) Pre: NUT336.

NUT 360

Nutrition in Exercise and Sport

(3 crs.) Relationships among diet, physical activity, health, and performance. Metabolism and requirements of nutrients in physically active individuals. Applications to energy balance, body composition, various population groups, fitness levels, and conditions. (Lec. 3) Pre: NUT 207 and KIN 275 or 300 or BIO 222.

NUT 375

Food-Service Management I

(3 crs.) Administrative responsibilities in planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and evaluating food-service systems. Emphasis on menu planning, purchasing, and food cost control. (Lec. 3) Pre: NUT 207 and NUT 212G or 276G; credit or concurrent enrollment in NUT 210.

NUT 376

Food-service Management II

(4 crs.) Administrative responsibilities in planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and evaluating food-service systems. Emphasis on food production and labor cost control. Experience in a food-service facility. (Lec. 3, Lab. 2) Pre: NUT (NFS) 375.

NUT 394

Nutrition in the Life Cycle I

(3 crs.) Current issues in maternal, child, and adolescent nutrition with emphasis on nutrient requirements and food habit development. (Lec. 3,Online) Pre: NFS 212G or 276G.

NUT 395

(NFS) Nutrition in the Life Cycle II

(3 crs.) Current issues in nutrition for the adult and older adult with emphasis on nutrient requirements related to physiological changes; screening initiatives; program development to reduce risk of nutrition-related diseases. (Lec. 3, Online) Pre: NUT (NFS) 394. Service learning.

NUT 404

Food Systems, Sustainability and Health

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (AVS), NFS, SAF 404. Scientific analysis of animal and human health and nutrition in various food systems. Interdisciplinary discussion on food systems and sustainability. (Lec. 3) Pre: Senior in good standing or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. (D1) (B4)

NUT 410

Professional Issues In Nutrition And Dietetics

(1 cr.) Professional issues in the fields of nutrition and dietetics. Topics include career choices, graduate school, registration, licensing, and certification. (Lec. 1) Pre: Nutrition or Dietetics major or minor and senior standing or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

NUT 440

Macronutrient Metabolism

(3 crs.) Chemistry and metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Advanced study of the impact of macronutrients on human metabolism, health, and disease. (Lec. 3) Pre: C or higher in NUT (NFS) 207 and 210 and BIO 222, and CMB 210 or CMB 311, or permission of instructor.

NUT 441

Micronutrient Nutrition

(3 crs.) Biochemical and physiological foundation of vitamins and minerals in human metabolism. Advanced study of micronutrients that includes absorption; bioavailability; homeostasis; mechanisms in health and disease; deficiency and toxicity states. (Lec. 3) Pre: NFS 207; junior standing or above; credit or concurrent enrollment in BIO 222 and CMB 210 or 311.

NUT 443

Nutrition Assessment

(4 crs.) Evaluation of nutritional status by dietary assessment, anthropometric measures, and nutrition-related health indicators. Practice in body composition assessment, interpreting dietary and laboratory data, the Nutrition Care Process, documentation, and nutrition counseling. (Lec. 3, Lab. 2) Pre: NUT 210 and 395, and concurrent enrollment in NUT 444, or permission of instructor.

NUT 444

Medical Nutrition Therapy I

(3 crs.) Effects of disease on metabolism and nutritional requirements, implications for dietary change including Medical Nutrition Therapy, and factors affecting acceptance of such change. (Lec. 3). Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in NUT 441 and NUT 443.

NUT 445

Medical Nutrition Therapy II

(3 crs.) Effects of disease on metabolism and nutritional requirements, implications for dietary change including Medical Nutrition Therapy, and factors affecting acceptance of such change. (Lec. 3). Pre: NUT 441, 443 and 444

NUT 446

Nutrition and Disease

(3 crs.) An introductory course in Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for pharmacy majors to gain a basic understanding of MNT in various disease states and how metabolism is affected by drug-nutrient interactions. (Lec. 3). Pre: Enrolled in PharmD program, or by permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

NUT 451

Field Experience in Nutrition and Food Science

(1-3 crs.) Individual supervised field experience and seminar in community, educational, government, health-oriented, and commercial activities and services related to nutrition. (Practicum) Pre: NUT (NFS) 394 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Not for graduate credit.

NUT 458

Nutrition Education

(3 crs.) Principles and practices of teaching individuals and groups to translate nutrition knowledge into action. Emphasis on research in and evaluation of nutrition education. (Lec. 3, Online) Pre: NUT (NFS) 395 or 440, or permission of instructor. (B2) (D1)

NUT 491

Special Projects

(1-3 crs.) Advanced experiential learning work under supervision of a faculty member. Arranged to suit individual requirements of the student. (Independent Study) Pre: senior standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated for up to 6 credits. Not for graduate credit.

NUT 495

Applied Nutrition Practicum

(1-3 crs.) Act as a peer education assistant for students enrolled in undergraduate nutrition courses to gain experience in team building, application of nutrition knowledge, and mentorship. May be repeated for up to 6 credits. (Practicum) Pre: permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

NUT 496

Applied Research in Nutrition

(1-3 crs.) Literature review, laboratory work, and/or individual research under the direction of an associated faculty member. (Independent Study) Pre: By permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

NUT 497

Advanced Applied Nutrition Practicum

(1-3 crs.) Act as a peer education assistant for students enrolled in advanced nutrition courses to gain experience in team building, application of nutrition knowledge, and mentorship of students enrolled in NUT 495. May be repeated for up to 6 credits. (Practicum) Pre: NUT 495 or by permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

NUT 504

Food Systems, Sustainability, and Health

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (NFS), AVS 504. Scientific analysis of animal and human health and nutrition in various food systems. Interdisciplinary discussion on food systems and sustainability. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate student in good standing or permission of instructor.

NUT 505

Methods In Nutrition Research

(3 crs.) Theory and laboratory experience in research methodology related to nutrition. Critical review of articles, completion of laboratory projects, and preparation of a research proposal. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: NUT (NFS) 444 and STA 308 or permission of instructor.

NUT 506

Nutrition in the Community

(3 crs.) Exploration of the role of the nutrition professional in community needs assessment, intervention development and evaluation, and in forming domestic nutrition policy. (Lec. 3) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.

NUT 507

Applied Nutrition

(2 crs). Online asynchronous content with one synchronous class/week. Twelve modular lessons per semester; community nutrition and foodservice management; medical nutrition therapy. Content supports experiential learning rotations. Must be taken twice. (Lec. 2/Online). Pre Enrolled in MS Dietetics Future Education Model Program.

NUT 508

Applied Nutrition II

(1 cr.) Selected topics in applied nutrition with an emphasis on community nutrition and food service management. (Lec. 1) Pre: NUT (NFS) 506 or permission of instructor.

NUT 511

Seminar in Nutrition and Food Science I

(1 cr.) Reports and discussions of current topics in food science and nutrition, as well as oral reports of theses and dissertation research topics in progress. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of chairperson.

NUT 512

Seminar in Nutrition and Food Science II

(1 cr.) Critical review of oral presentations given in NFS 511. Provides student with experience in communicative skills necessary to evaluate and critique scientific presentations. Attendance is required of all graduate students in residence when not enrolled in NFS 511. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing. S/U credit.

NUT 524

Global Nutrition

(3 crs.) Global distribution, etiology, and consequences of nutrition problems, ranging from undernutrition and food insecurity to overweight and chronic diseases. Includes exploring underlying social and behavioral factors and possible intervention programs. (Lec. 3) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.

NUT 550

Epidemiology of Nutrition and Chronic Disease

(3 crs.) This course explores population research in the area of diet and chronic disease. Students will learn basic epidemiologic methods, analysis, and interpretation. (Lec. 3) Pre: Graduate standing and permission of the instructor. Students may take only NUT (NFS) 550 or NUT (NFS) 650 for program credit.

NUT 553

Nutrient Metabolism I

(3 crs.) Biochemistry, physiology and metabolism of three macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and water) in human health and disease. Relationships of these macronutrients to human energetics and energy balance under various health conditions. (Lec. 3) Pre: Graduate standing in NUT (NFS) or permission of instructor

NUT 554

Nutrient Metabolism II

(3 crs.) Chemistry and metabolism of lipids and micronutrents in human health and disease. Additionally, drug treatments and inborn errors of metabolism in relation to lipids and micronutrients will be covered. (Lec. 3) Pre: Graduate standing in NFS or permission of instructor.

NUT 560

Introduction to Clinical Practice

(3 crs.) Overview of clinical topics including medical terminology, nutrition care process, counseling and hydration status. Introduces topics covered more extensively in medical nutrition therapy courses. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 561

Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 1

(3 crs.) Development of skills necessary to implement nutrition care for patients with GI disorders, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and allergies. Application of the nutrition care process to clinical settings is emphasized. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 562

Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 2

(3 crs.) Development of skills necessary to implement nutrition care for patients with renal disease, HIV, and cancer. Application of the nutrition care process to clinical settings is emphasized. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 563

Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 3

(3 crs.) Development of skills necessary to implement nutrition care for pediatric and geriatric patients, and for patients with pulmonary disease and weight issues. Application of the nutrition care process to clinical settings is emphasized. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 564

Foodservice Operations

(3 crs.) Management of the foodservice operations in a hospital environment including menu development, purchasing systems, production and service of food, and food safety and sanitation. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 565

Community Nutrition and Health Promotion

(3 crs.) Explores theories explaining nutrition related behaviors coupled with strategies for promoting behavior change among diverse populations, building on skills in interpreting nutrition information for planning, implementing and evaluating community interventions. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 566

Clinical Nutrition Management

(3 crs.) Management of hospital dietary departments including accreditation requirements, financial procedures, human resources practices, and reimbursement techniques. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 567

Introductory Dietetic Research

(3 crs.) Critical analysis of credible dietetics research and the identification of gaps in current dietetics literature. Methods for completing dietetics research with an emphasis on research ethics. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 568

Intermediate Dietetic Research

(3 crs.) Identification of a dietetics research question, development of a hypothesis, and creation of a narrative review article. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 569

Advanced Dietetic Research

(3 crs.) Completion of a research poster to communicate the results of a research project. Focus on the presentation of the findings in research and clinical settings. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 570

Data Analysis in Dietetic Research

(1 crs.) Data collection, analysis and presentation of results in table and graph format. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program, or permission of instructor.

NUT 571

Applied Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 1

(1 cr.) Implementation of the nutrition care process in clinical settings for individuals with basic clinical conditions. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program or permission of instructor.

NUT 572

Applied Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 2

(1 cr.) Implementation of the nutrition care process in clinical settings for individuals with intermediate clinical conditions. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program or permission of instructor.

NUT 573

Applied Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 3

(1 cr.) Implementation of the nutrition care process in clinical settings for individuals with advanced clinical conditions. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program or permission of instructor.

NUT 574

Applied Foodservice Operations

(1 cr.) Application of the management of foodservice operations in a hospital environment including menu development, purchasing systems, production and service of food, and food safety and sanitation. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program or permission of instructor.

NUT 575

Applied Community Nutrition and Health Promotion

(1 cr.) Application of the theories explaining nutrition related behaviors coupled with strategies for promoting behavior change among diverse populations, building on skills in interpreting nutrition information for planning, implementing and evaluating community interventions. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program or permission of instructor.

NUT 576

Applied Specialization in Dietetics

(1 cr.) Application of research and evidence-based practice to specialized dietetics settings. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Program or permission of instructor.

NUT 580

Experiential Learning in Dietetics 1

PRA (2 crs). Introduction to the FG Program. Initial development of skills in nutrition assessment and education, interprofessional education and nutrition focused physical examination. This course is scheduled during the student's initial semester in the FG program. (Practicum 2) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Future Education Model Program.

NUT 581

Experiential Learning in Dietetics 2

(2 crs). Supervised learning in healthcare and other institutional settings focusing on medical nutrition therapy and foodservice management. Students are required to take this practicum two times during the student's second and third semester in the FG program. (Practicum 2) Pre Enrolled in MS Dietetics Future Education Model Program.

NUT 582

Experiential Learning in Dietetics 3

(1 cr). Supervised learning in healthcare and community settings focusing on medical nutrition therapy and community nutrition. This course is required to be taken two times during the student's second and third semester in the FG program. (Practicum 1) Pre: Enrolled in MS Dietetics Future Education Model Program.

NUT 583

Experiential Learning in Dietetics 4

(1 cr). In this practicum students develop and present a health fair on the URI campus in coordination with Health Services and complete other nutrition education projects. (Practicum) Pre Enrolled in MS Dietetics Future Education Model Program.

NUT 591

Research Problems

(1-4 crs.) Advanced work under supervision of a staff member. Arranged to suit individual requirements of students. (Independent Study) (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: permission of chairperson. May be repeated for up to 6 credits.

NUT 599

Master's Thesis Research

(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.

NUT 650

Epidemiology of Nutrition and Chronic Disease

(3 crs.) This course explores population research in the area of diet and chronic disease. Students will learn basic epidemiologic methods, analysis, and interpretation. (Lec. 3) Pre: Graduate standing and permission of the instructor. Students may take only NFS 550 or NFS 650 for program credit.

NUT 691

Research In Nutrition and Food Sciences

(1-3 crs.) Assigned research on an advanced level. Students are required to outline the problem, conduct the necessary literature survey and experimental work, and present their observations and conclusions in a report. (Independent Study) May be repeated for up to 6 credits.

NUT 699

Doctoral Dissertation Research

(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.