Minor in Nutrition

Students can complete a Minor in Nutrition by completing 18 credits, at least 12 of which will be NUT courses; up to one 3-credit science course from a pre-approved list; and up to one 3-credit elective from a pre-approved list, and following the standard University policies for Minor Fields of Study.

Nutrition Minor Requirements

  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 in minor courses
  • At least 12 of 18 credits must be at the 200 level or above
    • At least 12 credits of core Nutrition courses (choose from the table below)
    • Up to 3 credits from the following science courses: CHM 124 or 227; CMB 210 or 311
    • Up to 3 credits from the following elective courses: KIN 123, 275, 375G; HSS/PSY 130G; GWS/APG/SOC 308; AFS/AVS/PLS 132GH
  • At least eight of the required credits must be earned at URI
  • You may use Gen Ed requirements for the minor
  • Up to two courses required in a major program may be used to apply to both the major and minor fields of study
  • Minor courses may not be taken on a pass-fail basis

Intent to complete or approval of a minor does not guarantee space in any course required for the minor.

You should complete a College of Health Sciences minor form as soon as you have completed at least 3 NUT courses. The form will require the signature of the NUT Minor Coordinator, Professor Sarah Larson (sarahlarson@uri.edu).

CourseCreditsSemester OfferedPrerequisites
NUT 207 General Nutrition3Winter, Spring, Summer, Falln/a
NUT 210 General Nutrition Lab1FallCredit or concurrent enrollment in NUT 207
NUT 212G Public Health Nutrition3Winter, Spring, Summer, FallNUT 207
NUT 245 Food Safety and Microbiology3Falln/a
NUT 336 Scientific Principles of Food I4FallNUT 207 and 210 and CHM 124 or 227
NUT 337 Scientific Principles of Food II4SpringNUT 336
NUT 360 Nutrition in Exercise and Sport3SpringNUT 207 and KIN 275 or 300 or BIO 222.
NUT 375 Foodservice Management I3FallNUT 207 and 212G; credit or concurrent enrollment in NUT 210
NUT 376 Foodservice Management II4SpringNUT 375
NUT 394 Nutrition in the Life Cycle I3FallNUT 212G
NUT 395 Nutrition in the Life Cycle II3SpringNUT 394
NUT 404 Food Systems, Sustainability and Health3FallSenior in good standing or permission of instructor.
NUT 440 Macronutrient Metabolism3SpringC or higher in NUT 207 and 210 and BIO 222, and CMB 210 or CMB 311, or permission of instructor.
NUT 441 Micronutrient Nutrition3FallNUT 207; junior standing or above; credit or concurrent enrollment in BIO 222 and CMB 210 or 311.
NUT 443 Nutrition Assessment4FallNUT 207, 210 and 395, or permission of instructor.
NUT 444 Nutrition and Disease3SpringNUT 441 and 443
NUT 458 Nutrition Education3FallNUT 395 or 440, or permission of instructor.
NUT 451/491 Independent Study1 - 3Fall, SpringPermission of instructor
NUT 495 Applied Nutrition Practicum1 - 3Fall, SpringPermission of instructor
NUT 496 Applied Research in Nutrition1 - 3Fall, SpringPermission of instructor
NUT 497 Advanced Applied Nutrition Practicum1 - 3Fall, SpringNUT 495 or by permission of instructor