You will soon be reading and referencing The Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Residents. Founded by Bryan C. McCarthy, Jr., Pharm.D., class of 2010, the goal of the journal is to enhance the pharmacy student awareness of the value of residency training. This peer-reviewed scholarly journal will celebrate the contributions pharmacy residents make in practice as they grow both personally and professionally. Pharmacy students, residents, pharmacists and healthcare professionals may sign up for a free electronic subscription at
www.jhpr.org. Also visit this website if you are interested in publishing work of any topic or specialty pertinent to health-system pharmacy practice authored during residency training.“Among pharmacy students, there is a growing recognition of the value of residency training. This trend is strongly supported by Colleges of Pharmacy having a philosophy stressing the importance of these programs. Pharmacy students interested in residency training strive for more knowledge and experience, and a better understanding of the new and challenging roles for pharmacists in the future.” states Dr. McCarthy, Jr.
Bryan is currently a Pharmacy Administration Resident, at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, MN, and a M.S. Candidate, Social and Pharmacy Administration, at the Minnesota College of Pharmacy.