URI pharmacy professor has patent pending for pain-free method of monitoring drug levels in transplant patients

Use of saliva would reduce need for blood tests KINGSTON, R.I. – March 27, 2009 –The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is reviewing a University of Rhode Island pharmacy professor’s proposal to use saliva as a non-invasive way to monitor concentrations of anti-rejection drugs in patients that undergo transplants. Associate Professor of Pharmacy Fatemeh Akhlaghi […]

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URI College of Pharmacy, Dept. of Corrections collaboration results in $12 million savings for taxpayers

Joint effort wins national award for innovation in pharmacy management KINGSTON, R.I. – March 27, 2009 – A seven-year old program involving the University of Rhode Island’s College of Pharmacy and the Rhode Island Department of Corrections has saved the correctional system $12 million in prescription medicine costs. The initiative, which has been in place […]

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Third World Medicine

Roosters, Plantains and Pharmacy: Delivering Healthcare in Honduras Ted Doyle Shoulder to Shoulder Winter Medical Brigade February 13-22, 2009 Guachipilincito, Intibucá Honduras Not many sixth-year students can say that they have already run a pharmacy. Then again, they probably haven’t worked in one without screened windows, running water or electricity. This was a temporary pharmacy, […]

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URI pharmacy student targeting breast cancer, AIDS in her research

KINGSTON, R.I. –January 9, 2009—For Jessica Lehmann, a fourth-year pharmacy student and member of the University of Rhode Island track and field team, her fight against killers like cancer is personal. That’s because her mother is a breast cancer survivor. The Park Ridge, N.J. resident took that personal interest and worked last summer as a […]

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URI pharmacy, nursing students join Brown medical students to improve care of asthma patients

KINGSTON, R.I.— December 3, 2008 –- If you hadn’t noticed the white lab coats and the identification badges, you might have thought you were at a giant game show. Hosts were equipped with microphones, and they spun a large wheel to determine which group would answer questions from a variety of case studies. When brave […]

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Pharmacy professor is berry, berry excited about medicinal plant research at URI

Playing role in returning College of Pharmacy to prominence as plant natural products research center KINGSTON, R.I. – September 25, 2008 – He’s been here less than a year, but Navindra Seeram is already putting the University of Rhode Island’s College of Pharmacy back in the spotlight for its research on plants, including the health […]

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Johnston Resident Honored by URI College of Pharmacy

KINGSTON, R.I – June 10, 2008 – The University of Rhode Island’s College of Pharmacy has honored alumnus Robert Tortolani with the Introductory Pharmacy Practice “Preceptor of the Year” award. Preceptors oversee pharmacy students’ clinical experiences and serve as mentors. The students nominate candidates for the awards. Tortolani graduated from URI with a bachelor’s degree […]

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URI students save the lives of ‘patients’ that can never die

Patient simulators provide pharmacy, nursing students with realistic treatment scenarios KINGSTON, R.I. – May 7, 2007 – Surrounded by computer screens, an intravenous line, trays of medical equipment and nine of his peers, a pharmacy student works vigorously to administer a drug that will save the life of the “man” who lies on the gurney […]

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