Jyothi U. Menon, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor
  • Office: 495C
  • Phone: 401.874.4914
  • Email: jmenon@uri.edu
  • Office Location: Avedisian Hall, 7 Greenhouse Road, Kingston, RI 02881
Research Website



Dr. Jyothi Menon is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, specializing in nanomedicine, drug delivery, biomaterials and tissue engineering.
Dr. Menon’s key research interests include:

  • Developing innovative polymer- and lipid-based drug delivery systems for sustained and controlled release of therapeutic agents to treat conditions such as lung cancer
  • Working at the interface of nanotechnology, biomaterials and tissue engineering to develop nanocomposite systems for regenerative medicine
  • Developing novel three-dimensional tumor/ tissue models to better understand mechanisms associated with disease development and drug resistance


Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Oxford, UK
Ph.D., University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center Joint Program with UT Arlington, USA
M.S. University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center Joint Program with UT Arlington, USA
B.S. UT Arlington, USA

Selected Publications

Gill MRϮ, Menon JUϮ, Jarman PJ, Owen J, Skaripa-Koukelli I, Able S, Thomas JA, Carlisle R, Vallis KA. 111 In-labelled polymeric nanoparticles incorporating a ruthenium-based radiosensitizer for EGFR-targeted combination therapy in oesophageal cancer cells. Nanoscale 2018. 10: 10596-10608 (Ϯ Equal contribution).

Menon JU, Kuriakose A, Iyer R, Hernandez E, Gandee L, Zhang S, Takahashi T, Zhang Z, Saha D, Nguyen KT. Dual-Drug Containing Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Lung Cancer Therapy. Scientific Reports 2017. 7.1: 13249

Ravikumar PϮ, Menon JUϮ, Punnakitikashem P, Gyawali D, Togao O, Takahashi M, Zhang J, Ye J, Moe OW, Nguyen KT, Hsia CCW. Nanoparticle Facilitated Inhalational Delivery of Erythropoietin Receptor cDNA Protects Against Hyperoxic Lung Injury. Nanomedicine 2016. 12(3): 811-821 (Ϯ Equal contribution).

Menon JU, Jadeja P, Tambe P, Thakore D, Zhang S, Takahashi M, Xie Z, Yang J, Nguyen KT. Polymeric nanoparticles as dual-imaging probes for cancer management. Biomaterials and Biomechanics in Bioengineering 2016. 3(3): 129-140

Menon JU. Cancer-targeting mechanisms of nanoparticles. Phenotype Magazine by Oxford University Biochemical Society 2016. 23: 18-19

Menon JU, Tumati V, Nguyen KT, Saha D. Polymeric nanoparticles for targeted radiosensitization of prostate cancer cells. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2015. 103(5): 1632-1639

Punnakitikashem P, Truong D, Menon JU, Nguyen KT, Hong Y. Electrospun biodegradable elastic polyurethane fibers with dipyridamole release for vascular tissue engineering. Acta Biomaterialia 2014. 10(11): 4618-4628

Menon JU, Ravikumar P, Pise A, Gyawali D, Hsia CCW, Nguyen KT. Polymeric nanoparticles for pulmonary protein and DNA delivery. Acta Biomaterialia 2014. 10(6): 2643-2652 (Featured in ‘Materials Today’ journal)

Homayoni HϮ, Menon JUϮ, Nguyen KT. Chitosan-based nanoparticles for drug delivery. Rev Nanosci. Nanotechnol 2014. 3(2): 133-148(16) (Ϯ Equal contribution)
Sundaresan V, Menon JU, Rahimi M, Nguyen KT, Wadajkar AS. Dual-responsive polymer-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for drug delivery and imaging applications. Int J Pharm 2014. 466(1-2): 1-7

Ilyas A, Islam M, Asghar W, Menon JU, Wadajkar AS, Nguyen KT, Iqbal SM. Salt-leaching synthesized porous PLGA nanoparticles show enhanced drug release. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 2013 12(6):1082-1088 (Featured on the cover of the issue)

Wadajkar AS, Menon JU, Tsai Y-S, Gore C, Dobin T, Gandee L, Kangasniemi K, Takahashi M, Manandhar B, Ahn JM, Hsieh JT, Nguyen KT. Prostate cancer-specific thermo-responsive polymer-coated iron oxide nanoparticles. Biomaterials 2013. 34(14): 3618-3625

Wadajkar AS, Menon JU, Kadapure T, Tran R, Yang J, Nguyen KT. Design and application of magnetic based theranostic nanoparticle systems. Recent Pat Biomed 2013. 6(1): 1-11

Menon JU, Jadeja P, Tambe P, Vu K, Nguyen KT. Nanomaterials for photo-based diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Theranostics 2013. 3(3): 152-166

Menon JU. Nanomedicine and its potential in medical applications: A Review. Institution of Engineers (India) – Qatar Chapter Annual Souvenir 2012. 21-25

Wadajkar AS, Menon JU, Nguyen KT. Polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis and therapy. Reviews in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2012. 1(4): 284-297.

Menon JU, Kona S, Desai F, Wadajkar AS, Wadla A, Nguyen KT. Effects of surfactants on the properties of PLGA nanoparticles. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2012.100A:1998–2005 Wadajkar AS, Menon JU, Nguyen KT. Polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis and therapy. Rev Nanosci.Nanotechnol 2012.1(4), 284-297

Menon JU, Gulaka PK, McKay M, Geethanath S, Kodibagkar VD. Dual-modality, dual-functional nanoemulsions for cellular and molecular imaging. Theranostics 2012. 2(12):1199-1207
Book chapters
Menon JU, Song L, Falzone N, and Vallis KA. Nanomaterial-Antibody Hybrids. In Hybrid Nanomaterials: Design, Synthesis, and Biomedical Applications, Chen F and Cai W. (ed). CRC Press 2016;  83-110
Menon JU, Nguyen DX and Nguyen KT. Chapter 9. Development and Characterization of Stimulus-Sensitive Nano/Microparticles for Medical Applications. In Handbook of Nanoparticles, Aliofkhazraei M. (ed). Springer International Pub 2016; 347-384.
Menon JU, Wadajkar AS, Xie Z, Nguyen KT. Chapter 5. Nanomaterials for management of lung disorders and drug delivery. In Nanomaterials in drug delivery, imaging, and tissue engineering, Tiwari A. (ed). Scrivener Pub 2013; 167-202