Room 403

  • Vars Mason Conference Room
  • Webex / Zoom Capable
  • Phone: 10 Seats
  • 10 Seats
  • LCD Screen
  • Video Conference System
  • Connections for laptop (HDMI/USBC)
  • Whiteboards
  • Sink

View Room Schedule

Remote Participation

Zoom Meetings

Host a Zoom Meeting

You can either host a meeting using your own Zoom account or the room’s own account. If you use your own account then you will start the meeting from your own laptop and then join it from the room following the instruction below for joining a meeting. Using the room’s account is simple but give you less control over the operation of the meeting.


Hosting a Meeting Using the Zoom’s  Zoom Account

  1. Prior to your meeting send an invite with the Zoom Connection Information (below).
  2. On the white CISCO touchpad: Touch Room Webex & Zoom Accounts > Touch Start Zoom.


Dismiss message

Copy the following and email to the people you want to invite to your Zoom meeting

Zoom Connection Information

Join from a computer:

Join from a smartphone or tablet:

  1. Download and install the Zoom app
  2. Open the Zoom app and select join meeting, enter the meeting number:
    861 421 0098

Join by phone:

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,8614210098# US (New York)

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 861 421 0098

Join a Zoom Meeting

Touch the Zoom icon on the white Cisco control panel and enter the meeting information as prompted.



Webex Meetings

Join a Webex Meeting

Touch the Webex icon on the white Cisco control panel and enter the meeting information as prompted.