Douglass Reed

  • Associate Professor, Advisor
  • Philosophy: Swan 151
  • Email:
  • Office Location: Dept of Philosophy
    Swan Hall
    Kingston, RI 02881


Doug Reed specializes in Ancient Western Philosophy, with a focus on ethics in Plato and Aristotle. In his work he tries to uncover insights about virtue and human flourishing in ancient texts that can help us think about ethical questions that remain with us today. In addition to Ancient Western Philosophy, he has interests in Ethics and in the History of Philosophy more generally. 

Professor Reed was named the URI Philosophy Ebbs Fellow for 2022-2024 and he is the recipient of the 2022 College of Arts and Sciences Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award


  • Ph.D. University of Virginia, 2015
  • M.A. Virginia Tech, 2008
  • B.A. University of Rhode Island, 2004

Selected Publications

“Deficient Virtue in the Phaedo”, Classical Quarterly (forthcoming)

“The objects of Stoic Eupatheiai”, History of Philosophy Quarterly 34 (2017), 195-212

“Degrees of Virtue in the Nicomachean Ethics”, Ancient Philosophy 33 (2017), 91-112