For prior learning that does not have a formal exam score, transcript or credential – or has not already been evaluated by URI – students can request a formal assessment of their college-level prior learning through a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) conducted by a URI faculty member.
Through enrollment in a one-credit asynchronous online course – PLA 100: Portfolio Development, students will be guided in writing a formalized portfolio summarizing their learning that has occurred outside of the traditional academic environment and how they have demonstrated mastery of a specific course’s learning outcomes of which they are seeking college credit.
A faculty member will then review your portfolio and determine if your prior learning meets the learning outcomes for the course(s) for which you are seeking credit. If learning has been documented and mastery is shown, college credit may be awarded.
Prior Learning Assessment Process
To begin the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process, you should submit the CPL Inquiry Form so the Coordinator for Prior Learning can connect with you and schedule a zoom meeting to discuss your prior learning and the potential for earning credit.
If the potential for earning prior learning credit is there, students will be directed to identify courses within their degree program for which they are seeking credit, obtain the formal Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for the course(s), and identify a Faculty Assessor who will complete the formal evaluation of your portfolio. Students will then submit the PLA Permission Form after obtaining permission of the Chair of the Department which houses the course, and the student’s Academic Dean. The completed form is then sent to the Coordinator for Prior Learning to keep on file.
Once permission for a PLA is obtained, the student will be enrolled in the one-credit PLA 100: Portfolio Development course by the Coordinator for Prior Learning. In this course, students will work with the Coordinator for Prior Learning on constructing their PLA portfolio. At the conclusion of the course and completion of the portfolio, students will submit the PLA Evaluation Form alongside their completed portfolio to their previously identify Faculty Assessor. At this time, the $30 per credit assessment fee is due to Enrollment Services.
Once the Faculty Assessor has reviewed your portfolio, they will send their credit recommendations to the Chair of the Department that houses the course for approval who will then notify the Coordinator for Prior Learning of the outcome. The signed evaluation form and credit recommendation is then sent to the student’s Academic Dean who will post any earned credits to their transcript.
Tuition & Fees
Tuition for PLA 100: In-State – $610 | Out-of-State – $1,451
Portfolio Assessment Fee: $30 per credit (e.g. $90 for a 3-credit course)
There is no fee to post earned credit to a transcript.
*PLA fees are not covered by financial aid.