Property & Support Services

URI's Property & Support Services is involved in most University activities including delivery of new computers, moving the contents of entire buildings, and creating technical reports for senior administrators.

A department within the University of Rhode Island’s Business Services unit.

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Property & Inventory

Our Property Officers are continuing to survey assets in buildings, though there may be an inconsistent level of service. As buildings become secured, please provide contact phone numbers on your door and/or building so that managers can coordinate access to your building. Please contact Vicki Dube at 401.874.5275 or with any questions.


Neil Ulricksen, Property Officer

Property & Inventory utilizes the INSITE asset database to track all University moveable equipment acquired from purchase orders, LVPOs, college requisitions, donations, transfers, and fabrications. In addition they handle state and federal audits, inventories and disposals of equipment large and small, as well as the development and delivery of on-demand data reports.

The Property and Inventory Staff is responsible for bar code tagging all items with cost greater than $5,000 and for completing department physical inventories every two years to comply with the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance 2 CFR Part 200, Part 215.

Federal/Government property is defined as contractor-acquired equipment and/or government-furnished equipment. The University is directly responsible and accountable for all government property in its possession. All Principal Investigators must notify the Coordinator upon receipt of equipment directly from a Federal Agency. Equipment acquired through Federal Grants is inventoried and reported annually at the agency’s request. Equipment closeouts are handled according to the agencies terms and conditions clause. Fabrication notices supported by a grant and costing over $5000 to build must be completed in the Research Office on the second floor in the Research Building.  All items become Federal equipment and must adhere to the particular grant’s terms of award. Disposals of Federally-titled equipment are handled individually based on the agency’s special terms and conditions clause.  Principal Investigators are required to contact the Coordinator before any Federal equipment is disposed.

For procedures and instructions regarding donated equipment consult the University Manual, Appendix G, Acceptance of Non-Cash Gifts, Other than Real Estate and Library Donations.

To declare inventoried State equipment surplus, equipment must be first offered to other University departments. If no University department is interested, state agencies are then notified. Finally, municipalities or non-profit agencies are notified. (see Surplus Equipment Procedures for additional details).

Our office must also be notified if a piece of equipment is stolen or lost, before equipment is used for a trade in, or when equipment becomes surplus to a department’s needs.

A Certification of Unavailability/Unsuitability form Screening Form must accompany all requisitions to purchase Federal (only) equipment with a value of $5,000 or more. The screening form is available on our website under Forms and Work Orders. The table for screening levels necessary for specific equipment purchases or lease requests can be found in Section 4.30 page 20 of the University’s Moveable Equipment Inventory and Space Management System User Manual. The screening procedure can be found in Section 5.11 on pages 236.

Dining Services Distribution Center
10 Tootell Road, Suite 1
Kingston, RI 02881

Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:00pm

Phone: 401.874.5474
Fax: 401.874.5596

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