URI study addresses disparities in obesity treatmentfor Hispanic-Latino communities - Doctoral student, registered dietitian aims to understand low rates of metabolic and bariatric surgery in community
URI psychology professor honored by White House with top honor for scientists, engineers - Justin Parent recently received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
A Team Approach for Better Sleep - Is bedtime a struggle in your house? A URI psychology professor and former student tackle children’s sleep and anxiety in their new book.
URI professors to help build state’s opioid, overdose research infrastructure as COBRE leaders - Nicole Weiss and Jeffrey Bratberg appointed to lead Center of Biomedical Research Excellence on Opioids and Overdose
Catherine Trinh was awarded a two-year Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award - Catherine Trinh was awarded a two-year Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (1F31DA060555) from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Her project will examine changes in positive emotions and engagement in pleasurable activities as predictors of alcohol and cannabis outcomes over time in a large sample of adolescents.
- Professor Manshu Yang awarded a 5-year K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award - Manshu Yang was awarded a 5-year K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01DA058715) from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to improve statistical methods for dealing with missing data in drug use and addiction research that employs ecological momentary assessment.
Behavioral Science PhD student Sabrina Todaro awarded an F31 Individual Predoctoral Fellowship Award - Sabrina Todaro was awarded the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA), an F31 Individual Predoctoral Fellowship Award (F31AA031602-01), from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The project will examine the extent to which protective behavioral strategies are used on simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use occasions using ecological momentary assessment data.
URI professor named inaugural Dr. Glenda L. Vittimberga ’88 Endowed Professor - The University of Rhode Island College of Health Sciences has awarded the inaugural Dr. Glenda L. Vittimberga ’88 Endowed Professorship in Psychology to Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, professor and director of training in clinical psychology.
- Behavioral Science PhD to host virtual meetings about the program. - The Behavioral Science PhD program will host virtual meetings for those of you who are interested in learning more about our program, research labs, and application requirements. If you are interested, please select the link and register in advance of this meeting. See dates/times below! Virtual meeting 10/25/2022 from 3-4pm. Click here to register. Virtual meeting 11/16/2022 from […]
- Professor Amy Stamates awarded a 5-year K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award - Amy Stamates was awarded a 5-year K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01AA029399-01) from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to study mechanisms underlying risky alcohol use among young adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Dr. Nicole Weiss awarded a two-year, $500,000 Project Leader Grant - Dr. Nicole Weiss received a two-year, $500,000 Project Leader Grant from the Center of Biomedical Research and Excellence (COBRE) on Opioids and Overdose (funded by National Institutes of Health Grant P20GM125507) to examine longitudinal changes in traumatic stress and physiology on risk for return to opioid use during community reintegration following residential treatment.
- Washington County Coalition for Children honors three ‘Champions’
- Professor Shanette Harris featured on WalletHub - Professor Shanette Harris interviewed by WalletHub about the driving forces behind racial segregation and discrimination and possible solutions.
- $130,000 International Grant Funded Project with the University of Iceland - Project title: Assessing the effects of evidence-based PAX classroom management on teacher and student functioning Principal Investigators: Anna-Lind Pétursdóttir & Lisa Weyandt Funding source: University of Iceland Research Fund
Uptick in COVID-19 cases has URI administrators worried March 10, 2021
ADHD Associated With Lower Academic Performance Among College Students March 11, 2021
- URI Psychology professor discusses COVID-19 and mental health - ABC 6 news anchor Liz Tufts spoke with URI Psychology Professor Ellen Flannery-Schroeder on the effects COVID-19 can have on one’s mental health.
- URI paper on AI adolescent opioid misuse published nationally Manuscript by psychology department research team to run in prestigious national journal ‘Drug and Alcohol Dependence’
The Psychology Graduate Students were out in force to support Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention at the Be5K on Sunday 10/27/2019
- Congratulations to Undergraduate Emily Shepard!! - Emily was the the winner of the Social Science, Arts & Humanities category at the September 25, 2019 Showcase for Undergraduate Research, Scholarly, and Creative Works
Professor Weyandt Studies the Effects of Adderall in Healthy College Students-September 14, 2019 - https://www.labroots.com/trending/drug-discovery/15647/adderall-people
- Department Chair, Dr. Boatright, has a “top 20” paper! - Dr. Su Boatright was recently identified as first in a list of the top 20 papers in its field published since 2010. Check out her influential paper!
- Recent Publications - Our annual list of publications, courtesy of Dr. Rossi, is hot off the press!
The Psychological Consultation Center is now on facebook! - The Psychological Consultation Center (PCC), which is a mental health service, research, and training facility for all psychology graduate students, now has an active facebook page! Go like the fb page. Follow the page in order to learn about clinic news and events!
- Congratulations to our newest Psi Chi members! - The Fall 2015 Psi Chi induction ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, December 9th at 5pm in the Galanti Lounge of the URI library. Family and friends of our new inductees are welcome to attend this event! Refreshments will be served.
Remembering Dr. Mark Wood- 5k Event - Please help us celebrate and honor the memory of Dr. Mark Wood on September 26, 2015.
Dr. Paul Florin Receives Award from RI Dept. of Behavioral Health! - Congratulations to Professor Paul Florin for receiving an award entitled, “Evaluation and Technical Assistance Services to BHDDH” funded by Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Health!
Dr. Lyn Stein receives two awards! - Congratulations to Professor Lyn Stein for receiving an award entitled, “Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in JuvenileJustice” funded by the United States Department of health & Human Services. AND… An award entitled, “Healthy Transitions — Community Care Alliance” funded by the Community Care Alliance
- Behavioral Science Professor accepts role as Psychometric Society Membership Committee Chair - Congratulations Dr. Theodore Walls! Dr. Walls recently accepted the position of Chair of the Membership Committee for the Psychometric Society. As chair of the committee, he helped to gain approval from the the board of directors regarding the committee’s plan to increase geographic diversity of the membership by pursuing candidates for country directorships in key target countries in Africa, Central […]
Undergraduate Highlight: Hector Ranero - Graduating Senior, Hector Ranero, strongly believes that psychology and art envelops a vast portion of our culture, communication, and overall well being. He is captivated by the blending of psychology and art. When away from his family, academics, and workplace; he can be found in the studio creating sketches and rendering portrait paintings. […]
Dr. Quina To Be Honored As YWCA Woman of Achievement 2015 - Congratulations to Dr. Kathryn Quina! She will be honored with the 2015 YWCA Women of Achievement Award. YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. Since 2005, YWCA has sponsored this statewide recognition of women whose accomplishments span the fields of industry, culture and public service. This year’s recipients are a […]
Dr. Mena Receives APA Division 45 Emerging Professional – Contributions to Service Award - Dr. Jasmine Mena, recently received the APA Division 45 Emerging Professional – Contributions to Service Award at the 2015 APA conference in Toronto!! Dr. Mena also won a 2015 URI Multicultural Center Diversity Award for Faculty Excellence in Leadership and Service, as well as the 2014 Women of Color Psychologist Award from the National Association for Women in Psychology for her paper “I love […]
School Psych Grad Wins National Fellowship - Amanda Ramirez, a school psychology doctoral candidate, was recently awarded the APA Minority Fellowship at the 2015 APA Conference in Toronto, Ontario. Information regarding her experiences as a psychology student can be found in the URI News. For more information regarding the fellowship, please visit the APA MFP website.
2014-2015 Publications - Every year, Dr. Joseph Rossi, compiles a list of publications by both students and faculty. Even though the list does not include posters or presentations at conferences, we are continually amazed by the work and productivity of those within the department. Here’s the latest list. Authors include current and former graduate students: Steve Babbin, Leslie Brick, Heather Bullock, Suzanne Colby, Don […]
Clinical Grad Student Receives Charles E. Gibbs Leadership Award - Hailee Dunn, a psychology graduate student, is the winner of the Charles E. Gibbs Leadership Prize for the best paper published in Women’s Health Issues in 2014, for her study “Association between Sexual Behaviors, Bullying Victimization and Suicidal Ideation in a National Sample of High School Students: Implications of a Sexual Double Standard”. Dunn was […]
Behavioral Science Grad Receives 2015 URI Diversity Award - Bing Chen, a Behavioral Science graduate student, was recognized at the 2015 Multicultural Awards Ceremony for her research on gender and sexual orientation. Chen currently works at URI’s Gender and Sexuality Center, leading a variety of programs ranging from substance abuse prevention, safe sex, HIV prevention and temporary housing for students in crisis. Her research […]
- URI Big Thinker: Lisa Weyandt - Impulsive behavior, restlessness, and the inability to sustain attention describe the 3 to 7 percent of this country’s school-age population diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This chronic neuro-developmental disorder also causes academic and social challenges for college students, says URI Psychology Professor Lisa Weyandt, a leading researcher on the effects of ADHD on [...]