Bachelor Of Arts (B.A.) / Bachelor Of Science (B.S.) In Psychology


Students must complete a total of 120 credits for graduation. Bachelor of Arts students must also complete 42 credits of 300+ level courses (this can include Psychology courses and electives).

Degree Requirements

PSY 113: General Psychology 3PSY 113: General Psychology 3
Choose two of:
PSY 232: Developmental Psychology
PSY 235: Theories of Personality
PSY 254: Behavior Problems and Personality Disorders
6PSY 232: Developmental Psychology 3
PSY 200: Quantitative Methods in Psychology, (4)
PSY 301: Research Methods and Design in the Behavioral Sciences, (4)
8PSY 200: Quantitative Methods in Psychology, (4), OR STA 307: Introductory Biostatistics, (4), OR STA 308: Introductory Statistics, (4)
PSY 301: Research Methods and Design in the Behavioral Sciences (4)
PSY 435: Applied Methods in Psychological Research, (3) OR STA 412: Statistical Methods in Research, (3)
PSY 434: Psychological Testing (3)
Topics Courses: Choose 3 (see options on curriculum worksheet)9PSY 381: Physiological Psychology
PSY 335: Social Psychology
PSY 361: Learning OR PSY 384: Cognitive Psychology
Applied Courses: Choose 1 (see options on curriculum worksheet)3Research Intensive Courses: Choose at least 2 courses (see curriculum worksheet for specific requirements) 6
Experiential: Range of options (e.g., volunteer experience in local or state agency) PSY 305, 488, 489, 499; CSV 302; EDC 484; PSY 499; ITR 301/302.
see Experiential Learning Page and curriculum worksheet for more information.
3Experiential: Research Experience in PSY 489 3
Grade Requirements Grade Requirements
C or C average in Psychology courses. See curriculum worksheet for specific course grade requirements. 2.5 GPA in Psychology courses. See curriculum worksheet for specific course grade requirements.

*If you exceed or anticipate exceeding the maximum number of credits for either the BA or BS, please discuss this with your advisor who can initiate a curriculum modification form to be approved by the department chair and dean’s office. Otherwise, credits you accumulate above the maximum will not count toward your graduation.

Potential substitutions for B.S. Majors (prior advisor approval and Curricular Modification Form required): MTH 103 may be chosen as one of 2 MTH or STA courses. To verify the specific requirements for your degree, please refer to the curriculum worksheet for the term that you first matriculated at URI.

General Education Requirements Fall 2016-Present

See General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements Through Spring 2016

Gen Ed CategoryCredits for B.A.Credits for B.S.
Fine Arts 33
Letters (Courses must come from different course codes.) 66
Natural Sciences (Courses must come from different course codes. For the B.S. only, one course must be either BIO 101 or 105.) 66
Social Sciences (Courses must come from different course codes.) 66
Writing (For the B.S. only, majors must take either WRT 106 or 333.) 33
See more information about the language requirement
0-6, based on background0-6, based on background
Mathematics (For the B.S. only, majors must choose 2 courses among the following options: MTH 107 or STA 220 (not both), MTH 103, 111, 131, 132, 141, 142, OR 215) 36
Note: General Education credits cannot be satisfied by courses from major course code unless student has a double major.