Healthy Eating for Successful Living

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Healthy Eating for Successful Living* is a six week program for older adults who want to learn more about nutrition and how lifestyle changes can improve heart and bone health. Based on the USDA MyPlate, the main components of the program include: goal setting, problem solving, group support, nutrition education, and self assessment. The workshop is led by two trained peer facilitators and a Registered Dietician, or licensed professional.

Workshops are facilitated by two trained peer leaders with a Registered Dietician, or licensed professional who will cover subjects including 1) techniques to improve heart and bone health 2) making healthy choices from the sections on MyPlate fruits, vegetables, and grain group 3) creating a well-balanced diet that includes fats and sweets 4) practicing label reading, menu planning, and shopping best practices.

Anyone 18 and older is eligible to participate.*

Each participant in the workshop receives a copy of the companion book.

*Workshops are offered free-of-charge
*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic Healthy Eating for Successful Living is being offered live on the zoom platform.
*Content was created for adults ages 50 and older.

For more information or to register:
Contact the Community Health Network at 401-432-7217