Functionalizable and Degradable Polymers for Disease Treatment

INVESTIGATOR: Elizabeth Kiesewetter, Rhode Island College MENTOR: Brenton DeBoef, University of Rhode Island SCIENTIFIC THEME: Environmental Health Sciences ABSTRACT: Multi-drug resistance represents a major hurdle in disease treatment. While some polymeric approaches aimed at overcoming multi-drug resistance have shown promise, they are largely based on synthetically costly procedures or materials that cannot be metabolized to benign […]

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Neuromuscular control and sensory feedback of fish fins

INVESTIGATOR: Anabela Maia, Rhode Island College MENTOR: Elizabeth Brainerd, Brown University SCIENTIFIC THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: Problems with motor control strongly impact quality of life. Lack of control and the inability to adequate perceive sensory information and adjust muscle contraction are at the source of many pathologies including Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis as well in a variety […]

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Control of gene expression by specialized ribosomes in Francisella tularensis

INVESTIGATOR: Kathryn Ramsey, University of Rhode Island MENTOR: Steven Gregory, University of Rhode Island THEME:  Environmental Health Sciences ABSTRACT: The rising incidence of tickborne diseases is a public health threat in the United States. A particularly infectious tickborne pathogen and potential bioweapon, the Gram-negative intracellular pathogen Francisella tularensis, can be transmitted to humans through arthropod vectors, […]

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Metabolic effect of stress: Sirt 1’s role in brain homeostatic and hedonic nuclei

INVESTIGATOR: Anika Toorie, Rhode Island College THEME: Environmental Health Sciences MENTOR: Elena Oancea, Brown University ABSTRACT:  Adolescence is a critical period of development and stress incurred during this phase can affect immediate and long-term health. Glucocorticoids (GC), produced from activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is critical in the resolution of stress. GC also regulate […]

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Copper Cysteamine Nanoparticles: Radiation Enhancement and Novel Uses

INVESTIGATOR: Michael Antosh, University of Rhode Island MENTOR: Wei Chen, University of Texas Arlington THEME: Cancer ABSTRACT: Copper-cysteamine nanoparticles are a recently discovered method for enhancing the effect of radiation therapy. When irradiated, these nanoparticles fluoresce and release reactive oxygen species that can cause extra damage to tumors. The extra damage to tumors allows for less […]

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