An Evaluation of Cancer Survivorship in Blacks/Latinx in Rhode Island

Investigator: Candidus Nwakasi, Providence College Mentor: Brown University, University of Rhode Island Theme: Cancer Title: An Evaluation of Cancer Survivorship in Blacks/Latinx in Rhode Island  Award: Early Career Development (2022-2024) Abstract: Cancer survivorship covers the period starting from cancer diagnoses and treatment to end of life — with focus on the effect of cancer and treatment […]

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Method and device for electrochemical detection of Thiocyanate ions in saliva

Investigator: Clifford Murphy, Roger Williams University Theme: Cancer Title: Method and device for electrochemical detection of Thiocyanate ions in saliva  Award: SURF PUI Training Award (2022-2024) Abstract: This project with adapt an existing invention for the detection of thiocyanate ions in seawater to the analysis of thiocyanate concentrations in human saliva for application as a […]

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Genetic analysis of Kita signaling during melanocyte migration

Investigator: Larissa Patterson, Rhode Island College Theme: Cancer Title: Genetic analysis of Kita signaling during melanocyte migration Award: SURF PUI Training Award (2022-2024) Abstract: The KIT receptor tyrosine kinase is required for many aspects of melanocyte behavior including melanogenesis, proliferation, migration, and survival. Mutations resulting in constitutive activation of KIT promote the formation and progression […]

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StarD5: A novel target in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

Investigator: Gabriella Papale, Salve Regina University Mentor: William Van Nostrand, University of Rhode Island Theme: Neuroscience Title: StarD5: A novel target in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease  Award: Early Career Development (2022-2024) Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disorder and the main cause of dementia. While it is well understood that accumulation of beta-amyloid […]

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Impact of flagellin methylation on plant immune responses against human pathogens

Investigator: Anne Reid, Salve Regina University Theme: Environmental Health Sciences Title: Impact of flagellin methylation on plant immune responses against human pathogens Award: SURF PUI Training Award (2022-2024) Abstract: Over 1 million cases of salmonellosis occur annually in the US, with outbreaks increasingly linked to fresh fruits and vegetables. Bacterial flagella mediate swimming motility as well […]

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Characterizing differences in tissue specific mitochondrial function for neurodegenerative disease

Investigator: Geoff Stilwell, Rhode Island College Theme: Neuroscience Title: Characterizing differences in tissue-specific mitochondrial function for neurodegenerative disease Award: SURF PUI Training Award (2022-2024) Abstract: Mitochondrial function is disrupted at early stages in neurodegenerative disease and this dysregulation contributes to fundamental changes that are part of the disease state in metabolism, innate immune responses, energy […]

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Top-down and bottom-up processing in the posterior parietal cortex

Investigator: Victoria Templer, Providence College Theme: Neuroscience Title: Top-down and bottom-up processing in the posterior parietal cortex Award: SURF PUI Training Award (2022-2024) Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine the functional contribution of the rat posterior parietal cortex (PPC) to specific forms of information processing. The PPC has been generally shown to […]

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Neural Mechanisms Underlying Maladaptive Reward Memories in Drosophila

INVESTIGATOR: Kristin Scaplan, Bryant University MENTOR: Karla Kaun, Brown University SCIENTIFIC THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: Alcohol addiction constitutes one of the most serious public health problems worldwide. Despite its devastating impact, there are few effective treatments. Circuit based approaches to treat addiction provide a powerful opportunity to develop more specific and effective treatments. However, circuit complexity has […]

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Metabolic dysregulation in Frontotemporal Dementia

Investigator: Marla Tipping, Providence College Theme: Neuroscience Title: Metabolic dysregulation in Frontotemporal Dementia Award: SURF PUI Training Award (2022-2024) Abstract: A common attribute of neurodegenerative disease is a change in the way cells break down and utilize nutrients, as well as their ability to build new macromolecules. Collectively, this is referred to as metabolic reprogramming, […]

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Research Archives RI-BRIN Projects

RI-INBRE formerly RI-BRIN (2001-2004) Faculty Development Projects Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Immunosuppressive Agents (2002-2004) Investigator: Fatemeh Aklaghi, University of Rhode Island Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island Neural Architecture and the Mechanisms for Learning and Memory Storage (2001-2004) Investigator: Brian Blais, Bryant College Mentor: Nasser H. Zawia, University of Rhode Island Developing a Tailored, […]

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