
CRCF applied online reservation system, ClusterMarket for both for booking equipment in the RI-INBRE CRCF and for billing for equipment use. How to use ClusterMarket please see the “getting started” guide. (request the log in information from Janet or Ang)

Getting Started


Payment Instructions for URI Users only:

  • PeopleSoft Vendor ID: URI_PHA (Select Core Facility at dropdown at right)
  • Category: 448 (Cost Center)
  • One-time submission or use: Create an Internal Vendor (IV) PO.
  • Multiple submissions or use: Create a College Requisition (CR) for a Blanket PO.

-For blanket POs, provide start /end dates and include text that this is for use of the INBRE core facility.

Please direct any questions to:
Dr. Ang Cai (, 401.874.5731) or
Janet Atoyan (, 401.874.5919)


Fiscal Year 2023 Fees




RATE ($)

Mass SpectrometerApplied Biosystems LC-MSHour18
Mass SpectrometerShimadzu MALDI-TOFHour18
Mass SpectrometerThermo Elemental ICP-MSHour18
Advanced AnalysisBD FACSVerse Flow CytometerHour13
Advanced AnalysisBiaCore T200 SPRHour13
Advanced AnalysisNanotemper Microscale Monolith XHour13
Advanced AnalysisSeahorse XFe96 AnalyzerHour13
PCR / qPCRRoche LightCycler 480 II Hour10
PCR / qPCRThermocycler- PCRHour10
Cell Culture HoodCell Culture Facility HoodHour7
Cell CultureCell Culture Facility IncubatorDay7
Cell CultureRoche XcelligenceDAY9
ChromatographyGE FPLC SystemHour7
ChromatographyThermo HPLCHour7
ChromatographyMetrohm Ion Chromatographhour7
ImagingAzure Sapphire ImagerHour8
ImagingBiotek Cytation 5 ImagerHour8
ImagingLi-COR C-Digit Blot ScannerHour8
ImagingLi-COR Odyssey Infrared Imager ScannerHour8
SpectroscopyAgilent Cary 3500 UV/VIS SpectrophotometerHour8
SpectroscopyJasco CD SpectropolarimeterHour8
SpectroscopyBioTek Synergy H1 Microplate ReaderHour8
SpectroscopyThermo NanoDrop One UV/VIS SpectrophotometerHour8
SpectroscopyThermo Electron FT IR SpectrometerHour8
MicroscopyEVOS M7000 Auto Cell Imaging SystemHour14
MicroscopyNikon Inverted Confocal Microscope SystemHour14
MicroscopyNikon Upright Microscope SystemHour14
CentrifugationCentrifuge (High speed)Hour8
CentrifugationCentrifuge (Micro Ultra)Hour8
CentrifugationCentrifuge (Ultra)Hour8
CentrifugationEppendorf MicrocentrifugeHour8
CentrifugationTabletop in Cell Culture RoomHour8
MicrobalanceSartorius BalanceRun4