You’ve either gotten this far in your own business that is established, or are trying to gain knowledge on all the moving parts that go into a business. Find out here on information and advice about hiring your first employee, their benefits, human resources including employees with disabilities, and forms/records to collect upon hire.
Web Links:
- Hiring and Retaining Employees (SBA): Information and advice on hiring your first employee, benefits, contractors vs. employees, writing effective job descriptions, and more.
- Human Resources (SBA): Comprehensive Human Resources topics including termination, unions, employees with disabilities, and more.
- Small Business Health Care (SBA)
- The Complete Guide to Human Resources for Small Business
- 10 Tips to Help Small Businesses Avoid Costly HR Errors
- Hiring Employees (IRS): Forms and records to collect upon hire.
- Free Small Business HR Forms
- The One-Minute Manager: Kenneth H. Blanchard, Spencer Johnson