2024-2025 Events

As part of our mission to integrate socially proactive research with educational and occupational opportunities for students and faculty alike, SSIREP is honored to host events featuring research from our research fellows, representing a diverse spectrum of social science perspectives. SSIREP’s Faculty Working Paper series offers faculty the chance to get critical feedback on paper drafts. A discussant is assigned and the paper is circulated to attendees before the talk. This series has been very valuable for presenters, allowing them to strengthen their work prior to submitting for publication. A companion series we introduced in Fall 2021 is called Field to Table. This series is for faculty presenting preliminary results from social science research freshly collected from the field. Faculty presenting in this series get a chance to share very recent data and get valuable feedback before a paper draft is developed.

If you wish to present your research as part of a SSIREP event, please submit your abstract via email here.

Click here for information about past events