Sunday Talk: Reimagining Elections

Featuring community members the honorable Angela McCalla, Cherie Cruz, Cristin Langworthy, Alex Taylor and Nick Lima.

  • Date: December 13, 2020
  • Time: 7:00 PM EST
  • Location: This event was on Zoom and has concluded.


How do we sustain high levels of participation? How can we improve our democratic structures so they work for everyone? How do we build new ways of engaging people in the people’s business? How do we ensure transparency and allow for meaningful dialogue in our civic structures? What has COVID-19 taught us about technology and civic engagement?

Join SSIREP and Common Cause Rhode Island for part of a series focused on reimagining timely civic engagement topics:

Following the event, Common Cause will share commentary from Professor John Caserta, Dr. Gretchen Matcha and Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea.