Marie-Abèle Bind

  • Instructor in Investigation of Biostatistics
  • Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Website


Marie-Abele Bind is an Instructor of Investigation at the MGH Biostatistics Center. Her research interests focus on developing causal inference methods for quantifying the effects of randomized and non-randomized exposures on various outcomes and understanding the mechanisms explaining these effects. Her current research is funded partly by the NIH Early Independence Award program. She completed her joint PhD in Biostatistics and Environmental Health at the Harvard School of Public Health, working with Professors Joel Schwartz and Brent Coull. She then became a Ziff postdoctoral Fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environment. In 2016, she was awarded an Early Independence Award (NIH High-Risk High-Reward research grant) and became Research Associate in the Department of Statistics. From 2017 to 2021, she became a John Harvard Distinguished Science Fellow.

For more information see her page on the Massachusetts General Hospital website.