RhodyBuy Commodity Codes

Suppliers: Do NOT apply any Commodity Codes with a URI prefix to your profile. The list below represents all the appropriate Supplier Commodity Codes.

Identify a sales contact and select the most applicable Commodity Codes to receive email notifications for Public Bid Solicitations/Sourcing Events.

For an Excel version of the RhodyBuy Commodity Code list, you can download a copy here:

Commodity Code ValueCommodity Code Description Additional Code Description
10100000Live Animals Live Animals
10210000Live plantsLive plants
12142207Radioactive MaterialsRadioactive materials purchased for research and non-research purposes. Must be approved by the URI Radiation Safety Office.
15101701Fuel: Oil #2Home heating oil for heating structures and hot water. Includes marine, diesel, heating fuel oil
15111500Fuel: GasPipeline or bottled gas used for heating structures and hot water.
21101900Agr/Hort/Fishery SupFarm & fishery supplies.
25101500Passenger motor vehiclesPassenger motor vehicles
25101507Light trucks or sport utility vehiclesLight trucks or sport utility vehicles
25101509Electrically powered vehicleElectrically powered vehicle
25101511Plug-In-hybrid electric vehiclePlug-In-hybrid electric vehicle
25101700Safety and rescue vehiclesSafety and rescue vehicles
25101702Police vehiclesPolice vehicles
25101914Waste collection vehicle or garbage truckWaste collection vehicle or garbage truck
25132100Drones, Unmanned aerial vehicle Drones, Unmanned aerial vehicle.
26131508Steam HeatSteam purchased under a Steam Service Agreement with ERI Services, Inc.
27110000Building/Machine/Shop SupBldg, machine, shop sup, includes all expenses for small tools, machine lubricating oils & greases, shop sup purchased from URI Central Stores. Keys & locks only if an outside vendor
39100000Lamps, Tubes and BulbsLamps and lightbulbs and lamp components
41000000Research Supplies Supplies/services directly related to a research project, includes lab supplies, DNA sequencing.
41100000Equip: Dorm/ClssrmEquipment used for educational purposes; includes dorm, classroom or lab equipment
41120000Educational SuppliesExpenditures for items used for educational purposes, includes lab supplies, gases for the lab.
42000000Medical/Surgical/Lab SupMedical, surgical supplies, Includes small instruments, scientific tools and other technical supplies used for medical purposes. Excludes educational laboratory supplies.
43210000Computer Hrdwre/SuppliesComputer equip & supplies. Includes purchase, delivery, installation & cost of attachments required to operate computer. Attachments shall include monitors, CPUs, printers, scanners, projectors and accessories.
43230000Computer Software LicensesSoftware licenses; license agreement renewals; also used when the vendor hosts the site where the software resides and we pay a fee for the license agreement to access the system.
44000000Office Supplies Includes all supplies & expenses for the maintenance of an office including copy paper & pre-printed forms from URI Printing Services, forms from URI Central Stores.
44101501Equip: PhotocopiersPhotocopiers
44121513PostageIncludes all expenditures for communication through the use of the postal services- parcel post charges, rental of post office boxes, stamps, cost of stamped envelopes,foreign mail services, global mail business priority and standard services
46100000Firearms and AmmunitionFirearms and Ammunition
46170000Security/Safety/Fire Pro ServicesSecurity, Safety, Fire inspections & maintenance for safety equipment; includes alarm services ,sprinkler system repairs, armored car services. (Contractual services rendered by non-employees.)
46180000Security SuppliesSecurity supplies/equipment, including electronic equipment for campus police, fire extinguishers.
46190000Fire Protection ServicesSafety & fire protection services
46210000Safety Supplies and equipmentSafety supplies/equipment, including safety glasses, dust masks, protective gloves, rubber gloves, first aid kits.
47000000Household/Cleaning SupHousehold/cleaning/laundry disinfecting supplies, disposable paper goods, plastic cups & containers, custodial supplies from Central Stores.
48100000Equip: Cafeteria/KitchenEquipment used for cafeteria/kitchen purposes; includes dishwashers, steamers, pizza ovens, microwaves, toasters.
48102000Furniture: Cafe/KitchFurniture used for cafeteria or kitchen purposes; includes tables, chairs, etc.
49000000Recreational Equip/SupExpenditures for items used for recreational purposes, Includes athletic equipment & supplies.
50000000Food UnpreparedUnprepared food purchased, includes charges for CO2 gas used to carbonate beverages.
50192100Specialty Food SnackIncludes food/drinks that are purchased for meetings
50202200Wine/Alchohol/BeerWine/Alcohol/Beer purchases for resale during events W. Alton Jones.
51000000Medicines/DrugsMedicines and drugs for animals, people and educational purposes.
52120000Linens/Bedlinens: Kitchen/DormTable linens, bedding, shower curtains, towels & mattress pads.
52151700SmallwaresSmallwares, includes non-disposable tableware, silverware, dishes, knives, forks, spoons, cups, glasses, etc.
53102700UniformsUniforms & accessories for employees, team uniforms, safety garments, dry cleaning of uniforms.
56000000Furniture: OfficeFurniture used for an office; includes desks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc.
56120000Furniture: Dorm/ClssrmFurniture used for educational purposes; includes desks, dorm furniture such as mattresses, stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, microwave ovens; televisions, portable event furniture, furniture for student lounge.
56122000Furniture: LabFurniture used specifically for laboratories.
72000000Building Construc (New) and Capital ImpNew construction and major capital improvements
72101500Building/Grounds Svcs: OtherAll other building & ground maintenance services; including athletic field maintenance, carpet cleaning, dredging, extermination services, street sweeping, window washing services, etc. (Contractual services rendered by non-employees).
72101500Repairs: Building & Structure Repairs/maintenance to building, structure or land improvements that don't + value or materially extend the life of the asset, also includes building maintenance service contracts (elevators), electrical & masonry repair, painting, signage.
72102902Landscape SvcsLandscape services (Contractual services rendered by non-employees).
72102903Snow Removal SvcsSnow removal services. (Contractual services rendered by non-employees.)
72103301Repairs: RoadsConstruction repairs to roads/walks.
72103301Landscaping/Road Maint. SupLandscaping/road maintenance supplies, such as, salt, sand, snow fencing, traffic signs, mulch, loam.
72141700Rental: EquipmentEquipment rental. If hired w/ an operator, the operator cost is included in the rental chg. Includes bottled water/cooler rental; charter boats; school buses; records storage; pager rental. Equip
76101600Asbestos Abatement SvcsAsbestos abatement services (Contractual services rendered by non-employees).
76110000Janitorial SvcsJanitorial services, laundry/towel services (Contractual services rendered by non-employees).
76120000Rubbish/Recycling Removal SvcsRubbish/recycling removal services. (Contractual services rendered by non-employees.)
76121900Chemical/Hazard. Waste RemovalChemical & hazardous waste removal services (Contractual services rendered by non-employees).
77120000Environmental Remediation SvcsEnvironmental testing and remediation, radon testing, water & soil testing. (Contractual services rendered by non-employees.)
78000000Freight/Express Mail SvcsExpress mail, ground services and courier services. Freight expenditures are to be coded to the same expenditure class as the major item.
78101804Moving SvcsMoving services. (Contractual services rendered by non-employee.)
78141505Special Svcs - TowingTowing
78181500Repairs: VehiclesRepairs/maintenance to registered vehicles, includes gasoline, oil, tires, automotive repairs, parts and supplies for the operation and maintenance of cars, trucks, forklifts etc.
80101507Software/Web ConsultingSoftware/website consulting, includes applicant tracking software, PeopleSoft consulting and tech support. (Contractual services rendered by non-employee.)
80111607Legal ServicesLegal Services
80131500Rental: Outside PropertyRental of outside property, includes all expenses for the use of land and structures not owned by the State, includes dockage rental.
80131500Land and Space RentalUniversity Owned Land and Space Rentals and Leases
80131501Rental: State PropertyRental expense for the use of land and structures owned by the State.
80131802Appraisal SvcsAppraisal services. (Contractual services rendered by non-employee.)
80140000Marketing/Public RelationsMarketing/public relations consulting services. (Contractual services rendered by non-employee.)
80142100Fundraising Activities & DevFundraising activities and development. (Contractual services rendered by non-employee.)
80161500Property Management SvcsProperty management services. (Contractual services rendered by non-employees.)
81100000Professional engineering servicesArchitectural/engineering, environmental & land surveyor services. A/E jobs not readily associated with an ongoing project; scientific use for example. (Contractual services rendered by non-employees).
81101500Civil engineeringCivil engineering
81101508Architectural EngineeringArchitectural Services
81101517Landscape Architecture and DesignLandscape Architecture and Design
81101600Mechanical engineeringMechanical engineering
81101700Electrical and electronic engineeringElectrical and electronic engineering
81101800Chemical engineeringChemical engineering
81102100Ocean engineeringOcean engineering
81103000Marine operation and inspection servicesMarine operation and inspection services
81112100Internet/Cable Television SvcsInternet access/cable television for campus.
81112200Computer Software MaintenanceSoftware maintenance/renewals, ongoing software lease maintenance.
81162004Database Mgt SvcsDatabase management services; maintain and support data organized in computers for search and retrieval. Includes medical database services and online credit card processing. (Contractual services rendered by non-employee.)
82100000AdvertisingCommercial & promotional advertising, cigar advertising, e-marketing, media buys, Preview & View Books, promotional gifts, vendor provides both printing & mailing services.
82121500Printing/DuplicatingPrinting and duplicating of reports, forms and stationery, binding of documents and books, photo developing, blueprinting, CD burning, printing through URI Printing Services.
83101500Water: Public UtilityWater provided by public water utility company.
83101500Sewer Use ChargeSewer pipeline charges for disposal of waste; includes waste water treatment provided by the Town of South Kingstown.
83111501TelephoneIncludes all expenses for land-based local telephone service, telegraph and messenger services by voice and/or data transmission.
83111502Telephone-Long Distance CallsIncludes all land-based long distance telephone tolls.
83111603Cell Phone Equip/ServicesCellular equipment & services (local, roaming, long distance, etc.).
84101704Debt Collection ServicesDebt Collection Services
84110000Prof Services: Acct/Audit/TaxAccounting, auditors and tax services, includes 1098-T services for Student Loan Office. (Contractual services rendered by non-employee.)
84111500Prof Services: OtherAll other professional services, including data collection & analysis, management consultants, facilities bench-marking, student loan management services, payment programs. (Contractual services rendered by non-employee.)
85120000Medical Services - OtherHealth care services (ex: doctors, nurses, lab services); medical consultants, pathology services, vaccinations,psychological testing services, veterinarians, animal testing (Contractual services rendered by non-employees)
85154200Pre-Employment PhysicalsPre-employment physicals for new employees.
85161500Repairs/Maint: OtherOther repairs/maintenance; includes office, medical, and computer equipment maintenance & repairs, furniture maint & repairs, equipment & computer hardware maint service contracts (ex copy machines, typewriters)
86000000Education/Prof/Artistic SvcsEducational,professional,artistic svcs, includes admissions retention consulting,artists,education consultants,entertainers, interpreters/translators,performers,photographers,sound/video services,research consultation (Contract svcs - non-employees.)
86000000Special Svcs- OtherAll other special services including inspections (r/v endeavor), piano tuner, real estate feasibility development plan, student surveying services, statistical reporting services, writers. (Non-employees)
90000000Travel OtherTravel charges associated with contracted services
90100000Catering Svcs (Non-URI)Catering services, includes outside vendor or URI Dining Services.
91101800Rental: Clothing/LinensRental of uniforms, caps, gowns, pants, shirts, linen rental which are laundered & replaced on a regular basis.
93151517Royalties, Licenses, PermitsPayment of royalties, licenses, permits. Includes royalties for use of playwright's scripts.
93151608Bank Service ChargesBank fees and service charges
94000000Dues & SubscriptionsOrganizational memberships and subscriptions to periodicals.