SPA 104: Intermediate Spanish II

Instructor: Ruiz de Panciera, Olga R.
Continuation of SPA 103. Development of intermediate-level communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Students enrolling in this course should have taken SPA 103 or equivalent. Not open to heritage speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish at home, but completed formal schooling in a language other than Spanish). Not open to native speakers of Spanish (people who grew up speaking Spanish and also completed formal schooling in Spanish-speaking countries). (C2) (A3)
3 crs.
Session 1 (5/19-6/21)
Schedule: Online
Course delivery: Online-Asynchronous
General education outcome: A3,C2
Additional fees: $25

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