Instructor: São-João, Thaís M
Examination of basic concepts of pathophysiology and the related levels of prevention, etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations underlying alterations according to biological processes across the life span. (Lec. 3) Pre: Credit in BIO 222, BIO 223, CHM 124, NUR 100, WRT 104 or 106 and concurrent enrollment in NUR 203 and credit or concurrent enrollment in CMB 201 and NUT 207 and permission of instructor.
3 crs.
Session 2 (6/23-7/26)
Schedule: (Online) W, Th: 9:00 AM -11:45 AM, (In-person) T: 9:00 AM -11:45 AM
Course delivery: Online-Synchronous, Kingston
General education outcome: N/A
Additional fees: No additional fees.