Basic topics in calculus for students who do not need all the topics in 141.
Continue reading "MTH 131: Applied Calculus I"Category: Default2
COM 100: Communication Fundamentals
Integrates basic theory and experience in a variety of communication contexts including public speaking, small groups, and interpersonal communication.
Continue reading "COM 100: Communication Fundamentals"PHY 274: Elementary Physics Laboratory II
Laboratory exercises and recitation sessions related to topics in PHY 204.
Continue reading "PHY 274: Elementary Physics Laboratory II"WRT 106: Introduction to Research Writing
Introduction to working with sources and the research process.
Continue reading "WRT 106: Introduction to Research Writing"CCJ 450: (SOC) White Collar Crime
An examination of white collar crime; its types, causes, consequences, and legal and public policies designed to control it.
Continue reading "CCJ 450: (SOC) White Collar Crime"ENG 304: Film Genres
Literary study of the particular conventions and evolution of one or more film genres (e.
Continue reading "ENG 304: Film Genres"NUT 207: General Nutrition
Fundamental concepts of the science of nutrition with application to the individual and community.
Continue reading "NUT 207: General Nutrition"MTH 244: Differential Equations
Classification and solution of differential equations involving one independent variable.
Continue reading "MTH 244: Differential Equations"SOC 230: Crime and Delinquency
Introduction to the study of crime and delinquency.
Continue reading "SOC 230: Crime and Delinquency"MTH 142: Calculus II
Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable.
Continue reading "MTH 142: Calculus II"