Properties of linear, time-invariant systems, transient and steady-state response, stability, convolution, Laplace transform and transfer functions, introduction to control systems, Fourier series, Fourier transform, introduction to filters.
Continue reading "ELE 313: Signals and Systems I"Category: Default2
TMD 126: Introduction to Design
Elements and principles of design as applied to designs from a variety of disciplines, including textiles, apparel, and interiors.
Continue reading "TMD 126: Introduction to Design"WRT 442: Strategic Media Communication
Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.
Continue reading "WRT 442: Strategic Media Communication"PRS 442: Strategic Media Communication
Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.
Continue reading "PRS 442: Strategic Media Communication"JOR 443: Strategic Media Communication
Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.
Continue reading "JOR 443: Strategic Media Communication"MKT 367: (BUS) Marketing Research
Describes the nature and scope of marketing research activities.
Continue reading "MKT 367: (BUS) Marketing Research"MBA 504: Financial Management
Functions and responsibilities of financial managers.
Continue reading "MBA 504: Financial Management"SUS 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication
Investigation of individual and mediated sustainability messages, impact of communication on environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior; design of communication campaigns to affect resource use, community engagement an.
Continue reading "SUS 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication"SUS 108G: Spaceship Earth: Communication and Sustainability
Through in-depth study of films, social media and readings students will explore the principles of sustainability and the communication challenges linking scientific evidence, public policies and individual behavior.
Continue reading "SUS 108G: Spaceship Earth: Communication and Sustainability"ENG 304: Horror, Musical, Suspense
This course offers an introduction to film genre by examining the mystery or detective film.
Continue reading "ENG 304: Horror, Musical, Suspense"