This course provides an overview of the use of media and communication in sport.
Continue reading "COM 203: Introduction to Sport Media & Communication"Category: Session 1
COM 202: Public Speaking
Theory, attitudes and skills essential to effective and ethical public communication.
Continue reading "COM 202: Public Speaking"COM 100: Communication Fundamentals
Integrates basic theory and experience in a variety of communication contexts including public speaking, small groups, and interpersonal communication.
Continue reading "COM 100: Communication Fundamentals"COM 100: Communication Fundamentals
Integrates basic theory and experience in a variety of communication contexts including public speaking, small groups, and interpersonal communication.
Continue reading "COM 100: Communication Fundamentals"CMD 375: Language Development
Development phenomena in speech and language; causal factors of delayed speech and language; survey of evaluative and habilitative programs for children with deviant language development.
Continue reading "CMD 375: Language Development"CMD 272: Auditory and Speech Mechanisms
Structure and function of the organs of hearing and speech as they relate to normal and pathological communication; theories of cortical involvements, central and peripheral nervous systems relevant to rehabilitation procedure.
Continue reading "CMD 272: Auditory and Speech Mechanisms"CMB 352: General Genetics
Introduction to basic genetic principles and concepts leading to an understanding of genes, heredity, and the nature of inherited variation.
Continue reading "CMB 352: General Genetics"CMB 311: Introductory Biochemistry
Chemistry of biological transformations in the cell.
Continue reading "CMB 311: Introductory Biochemistry"CMB 201: Introductory Medical Microbiology
Introduces the basic concepts and techniques of microbiology.
Continue reading "CMB 201: Introductory Medical Microbiology"CMB 201: Introductory Medical Microbiology
Introduces the basic concepts and techniques of microbiology.
Continue reading "CMB 201: Introductory Medical Microbiology"