Examination of basic concepts of pathophysiology and the related levels of prevention, etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations underlying alterations according to biological processes across the life span.
Continue reading "NUR 213: Pathophysiology"Category: Session 2
ELE 313: Signals and Systems I
Properties of linear, time-invariant systems, transient and steady-state response, stability, convolution, Laplace transform and transfer functions, introduction to control systems, Fourier series, Fourier transform, introduction to filters.
Continue reading "ELE 313: Signals and Systems I"MKT 475: (BUS) Social Media for Marketing: Analytics and Strategy
Analyze a brand’s social media positioning, apply analytical skills to social network data for marketing research, and develop strategies for social media marketing that help meet broad marketing objectives.
Continue reading "MKT 475: (BUS) Social Media for Marketing: Analytics and Strategy"PHL 314: Ethical Problems in Society and Medicine
Ethical analysis of topics such as war, capital punishment, sexual morality, suicide, animal rights, honesty and deception, world hunger, discrimination, abortion.
Continue reading "PHL 314: Ethical Problems in Society and Medicine"SPA 103: Intermediate Spanish I
Development of intermediate-level communication skills in Spanish and exploration of products, practices and perspectives of diverse Hispanic cultures.
Continue reading "SPA 103: Intermediate Spanish I"MCE 263: Dynamics
Kinematic and kinetic study of motion of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies, acted upon by unbalanced force systems, using both scalar and vector methods; development of methods of analysis based on the direct application of Newton’s laws, work-energy and impulse-momentum principles.
Continue reading "MCE 263: Dynamics"MTH 142: Calculus II
Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable.
Continue reading "MTH 142: Calculus II"ELE 212: Linear Circuit Theory
Kirchhoff’s Laws, DC-resistive networks, dependent sources, operational amplifier circuits, natural and forced response of first- and second-order circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response, phasors, AC power.
Continue reading "ELE 212: Linear Circuit Theory"ELE 215: Linear Circuits Laboratory
Laboratory exercises relevant to topics in ELE 212.
Continue reading "ELE 215: Linear Circuits Laboratory"NUR 383: Aging and Health
Theories of aging and biological, lifestyle, psychological, social, spiritual, economic and environmental factors affecting aging are presented.
Continue reading "NUR 383: Aging and Health"