Kinematic and kinetic study of motion of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies, acted upon by unbalanced force systems, using both scalar and vector methods; development of methods of analysis based on the direct application of Newton’s laws, work-energy and impulse-momentum principles.
Continue reading "MCE 263: Dynamics"Category: Session 2
MTH 142: Calculus II
Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable.
Continue reading "MTH 142: Calculus II"ELE 313: Signals and Systems I
Properties of linear, time-invariant systems, transient and steady-state response, stability, convolution, Laplace transform and transfer functions, introduction to control systems, Fourier series, Fourier transform, introduction to filters.
Continue reading "ELE 313: Signals and Systems I"ELE 212: Linear Circuit Theory
Kirchhoff’s Laws, DC-resistive networks, dependent sources, operational amplifier circuits, natural and forced response of first- and second-order circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response, phasors, AC power.
Continue reading "ELE 212: Linear Circuit Theory"ELE 215: Linear Circuits Laboratory
Laboratory exercises relevant to topics in ELE 212.
Continue reading "ELE 215: Linear Circuits Laboratory"NUR 383: Aging and Health
Theories of aging and biological, lifestyle, psychological, social, spiritual, economic and environmental factors affecting aging are presented.
Continue reading "NUR 383: Aging and Health"HDF 357: Family and Community Health
Individual, family and community health concerns throughout the lifespan.
Continue reading "HDF 357: Family and Community Health"CSC 101: Computing Concepts
Capabilities and limitations of computers.
Continue reading "CSC 101: Computing Concepts"WRT 227: Professional Writing
Develop the writing and information design skills employers most value; learn to advocate for diverse stakeholders in professional contexts.
Continue reading "WRT 227: Professional Writing"COM 382: Communication Theory
A critical survey of social science based communication theories; an examination of the nature, processes and functions of communication theory in a variety of contexts.
Continue reading "COM 382: Communication Theory"