EDC 323: Infant and Toddler Education and Programming

Instructor: MacLeod, Jessica L
This course is designed to introduce students to the principles of infant and toddler programming. Students will explore current research, theories, and practices in early childhood education, with a focus on the unique needs of infants and toddlers. Students will learn about developmentally appropriate practice for infants and toddlers, strategies for guiding infant and toddler growth and development, the importance of responsive caregiving, infant/toddler mental health, and important elements of high-quality early learning environments for infants and toddlers. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Admission to the College of Education or the Early Childhood Education Program, or by permission of instructor.
3 crs.
Session 1 (5/19-6/21)
Schedule: Online
Course delivery: Online-Asynchronous
General education outcome: N/A
Additional fees: No additional fees.

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