ELE 212: Linear Circuit Theory

Instructor: Zaeri Amirani, Mohammed
Kirchhoff’s Laws, DC-resistive networks, dependent sources, operational amplifier circuits, natural and forced response of first- and second-order circuits, sinusoidal steady-state response, phasors, AC power. (Lec. 4/Online) Pre: (ELE 201, PHY 204, (credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 244 or 362), and (at least a 2.00 (C) average in MTH 141, MTH 142, PHY 203, and PHY 204)) or permission of instructor.
3 crs.
Session 2 (6/23-7/26)
Schedule: Online
Course delivery: Online-Asynchronous
General education outcome: N/A
Additional fees: No additional fees.

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