Instructor: Romanow, Rebecca F
This course will investigate the technological, artistic, creative, and industry forces that have marked the development of streaming television through Netflix and its influence on US and global film. This course will examine the history of Netflix since it was founded in 1997 as a competitor to Blockbuster, and its development into an alternative of cable television, and, ultimately, its expansion into innovative television programming in 2013 and the creation of the binge-watching phenomenon. This topic will investigate the ways in which US and international television and film production have been affected by this groundbreaking change in viewer habits, the creative programmatic output of Netlfix, its global dominance reaching 190 countries, and the ways in which this network has created, subverted, constructed, and participated in defining the production and promotion of what we identify as “television” and what we identify as “film.” May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits with permission of the director and change of topic. *No prerequisites required*
4 crs.
Session 2 (6/23-7/26)
Schedule: Online
Course delivery: Online-Asynchronous
General education outcome: N/A
Additional fees: $75