Fosters a better understanding and appreciation of the world’s great music.
Continue reading "MUS 101: Introduction to Music"Tag: B1: Written Communications
ENG 260: Women and Literature
Critical study of selected topics.
Continue reading "ENG 260: Women and Literature"ENG 263: Introduction to Literary Genres: The Poem
Introduction to the study of the poem.
Continue reading "ENG 263: Introduction to Literary Genres: The Poem"ENG 243: The Short Story
Critical study of the short story from the early 19th century to the present.
Continue reading "ENG 243: The Short Story"WRT 332: Technical Writing
Work on writing projects that suit practical needs, share specialized knowledge with diverse audiences, and implement ethical practices of technical communication.
Continue reading "WRT 332: Technical Writing"MUS 101: Introduction to Music
Fosters a better understanding and appreciation of the world’s great music.
Continue reading "MUS 101: Introduction to Music"WRT 104: Writing to Inform and Explain
Writing emphasizing the sharing of information.
Continue reading "WRT 104: Writing to Inform and Explain"WRT 106: Introduction to Research Writing
Introduction to working with sources and the research process.
Continue reading "WRT 106: Introduction to Research Writing"