Introductory statistics exploring and understanding data, relationships between variables, randomness and probability.
Continue reading "STA 220: Statistics In Modern Society"Tag: B3: Mathematical Statistical & Computational Literacy
PHY 275: Elementary Physics Laboratory III
Laboratory exercises and recitation sessions related to topics in PHY 205.
Continue reading "PHY 275: Elementary Physics Laboratory III"PHY 205: Elementary Physics III
Introduction to topics of thermodynamics, kinetic theory, wave motion, acoustics, and optics.
Continue reading "PHY 205: Elementary Physics III"PHY 185: Laboratory for General Physics I
Selected laboratory exercises applicable to materials in PHY 111.
Continue reading "PHY 185: Laboratory for General Physics I"PHY 185: Laboratory for General Physics I
Selected laboratory exercises applicable to materials in PHY 111.
Continue reading "PHY 185: Laboratory for General Physics I"PHY 111: General Physics I
Mechanics, heat, and sound.
Continue reading "PHY 111: General Physics I"PHL 101: Critical Thinking
Identification, formulation and evaluation of both inductive and deductive patterns of reasoning.
Continue reading "PHL 101: Critical Thinking"MTH 243: Calculus for Functions of Several Variables
Topics include coordinates for space, vector geometry, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, extrema, Lagrange multipliers, and multiple integrals.
Continue reading "MTH 243: Calculus for Functions of Several Variables"MTH 180: Mathematical Tools for Computing
Introduction to mathematical tools and to formal methods of reasoning for computing.
Continue reading "MTH 180: Mathematical Tools for Computing"MTH 142: Calculus II
Continues the study of calculus for the elementary algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable.
Continue reading "MTH 142: Calculus II"