Nature and function of myth in Roman society; origins and influence of Romanitas as found in Roman literature: history, epic, lyric, novel.
Continue reading "CLA 396: Myths of Rome"Tag: C2: Global Responsibility
CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans
Nature and function of myth in the ancient world and today: ideas of divinity, relationship of divine to human, origins of cosmos and human society, male and female principles, power hierarchies, coming of age, the heroic experience.
Continue reading "CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans"CLA 391: Ancient Laughter: The Comic Tradition in Greece and Rome
Introduction to the comic tradition in Western literature through its origins in Greece and Rome.
Continue reading "CLA 391: Ancient Laughter: The Comic Tradition in Greece and Rome"CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans
Nature and function of myth in the ancient world and today: ideas of divinity, relationship of divine to human, origins of cosmos and human society, male and female principles, power hierarchies, coming of age, the heroic experience.
Continue reading "CLA 395: Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Humans"CLA 396: Myths of Rome
Nature and function of myth in Roman society; origins and influence of Romanitas as found in Roman literature: history, epic, lyric, novel.
Continue reading "CLA 396: Myths of Rome"FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media
Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.
Continue reading "FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media"FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media
Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.
Continue reading "FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media"FLM 205: History of Film II
A survey of world cinema from the 1950’s to 2000, examining the production, distribution and exhibition of narrative, documentary and experimental among other forms of film.
Continue reading "FLM 205: History of Film II"GER 102: Beginning German II
Learn to communicate in German about the past, present and future, and continue exploring diverse German-speaking cultures.
Continue reading "GER 102: Beginning German II"JPN 202: Intermediate Japanese II
Continuation of JPN 201.
Continue reading "JPN 202: Intermediate Japanese II"