Introduction to techniques of film practice, film history, genres, analysis of film texts, and reading of film images in their aesthetic, cultural, and literary context.
Continue reading "FLM 101: Introduction to Film Media"Tag: C2: Global Responsibility
FLM 205: History of Film II
A survey of world cinema from the 1950’s to 2000, examining the production, distribution and exhibition of narrative, documentary and experimental among other forms of film.
Continue reading "FLM 205: History of Film II"GER 102: Beginning German II
Learn to communicate in German about the past, present and future, and continue exploring diverse German-speaking cultures.
Continue reading "GER 102: Beginning German II"JPN 202: Intermediate Japanese II
Continuation of JPN 201.
Continue reading "JPN 202: Intermediate Japanese II"SPA 102: Beginning Spanish II
Continuation of SPA 101.
Continue reading "SPA 102: Beginning Spanish II"SPA 104: Intermediate Spanish II
Continuation of SPA 103.
Continue reading "SPA 104: Intermediate Spanish II"SPA 101: Beginning Spanish I
Introductory Spanish for beginners.
Continue reading "SPA 101: Beginning Spanish I"PSC 434: American Foreign Policy
Analysis of the institutions, techniques, and instruments of policy making and the execution of foreign policy.
Continue reading "PSC 434: American Foreign Policy"