Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.
Continue reading "COM 442: Strategic Media Communication"Tag: N/A
COM 440: Media Effects: Entertainment
Surveys social scientific theories and research on contemporary entertainment media.
Continue reading "COM 440: Media Effects: Entertainment"COM 383: Rhetorical Theory
Surveys and analyzes rhetorical communication theories and theorists from classical to contemporary times and focuses on rhetoric’s relationship with philosophy, knowledge, reason, science, technology, and culture.
Continue reading "COM 383: Rhetorical Theory"COM 382: Communication Theory
A critical survey of social science based communication theories; an examination of the nature, processes and functions of communication theory in a variety of contexts.
Continue reading "COM 382: Communication Theory"COM 322: Gender and Communication
Survey of theories and research on gender and communication.
Continue reading "COM 322: Gender and Communication"COM 361: Intercultural Communication
Study of cultural similarities and differences as they affect communication within and across cultural boundaries.
Continue reading "COM 361: Intercultural Communication"COM 221: Interpersonal Communication
Examines basic theory and skills, including impart of perception, self-concept, listening, nonverbal messages, and language on interpersonal communication, including conflict, relationship development, friendship, family and romantic relationships.
Continue reading "COM 221: Interpersonal Communication"COM 203: Introduction to Sport Media & Communication
This course provides an overview of the use of media and communication in sport.
Continue reading "COM 203: Introduction to Sport Media & Communication"COM 202: Public Speaking
Theory, attitudes and skills essential to effective and ethical public communication.
Continue reading "COM 202: Public Speaking"CMD 570: Clinical Practicum In Communicative Disorders
Supervised assessment and rehabilitation procedures with persons experiencing communicative disorders in speech-language pathology and/or audiology.
Continue reading "CMD 570: Clinical Practicum In Communicative Disorders"