Examines the development and history of policing as an institution.
Continue reading "CCJ 280: (330) Introduction to Policing"Tag: N/A
CCJ 274: Criminal Justice System
The American system of criminal justice, general processing of cases, principal actors, study of theories of criminal law, and pretrial detention and sentencing.
Continue reading "CCJ 274: Criminal Justice System"BTC 522: Biotechnology Manufacturing for the Life Sciences
This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the biopharmaceutical manufacturing process.
Continue reading "BTC 522: Biotechnology Manufacturing for the Life Sciences"BTC 199: Biotechnology Manufacturing Internship
Professional field experience in biotechnology manufacturing.
Continue reading "BTC 199: Biotechnology Manufacturing Internship"BIO 355: Marine Invertebrates of Southern New England
Collection and identification of marine invertebrates of southern New England.
Continue reading "BIO 355: Marine Invertebrates of Southern New England"BIO 352: General Genetics
Introduction to basic genetic principles and concepts leading to an understanding of genes, heredity, and the nature of inherited variation.
Continue reading "BIO 352: General Genetics"BIO 301: Physiology of Exercise Laboratory
Student participation in laboratory sessions designed to understand the physiology of exercise relating to body composition, EKG, pulmonary, and metabolic functions.
Continue reading "BIO 301: Physiology of Exercise Laboratory"BIO 331: Parasitology
An introduction to the biology of parasitic organisms, including life cycles, infection pathways, and impacts on hosts.
Continue reading "BIO 331: Parasitology"BIO 300: Physiology of Exercise
Applied human physiology, with applications to physical activity, exercise, and sport.
Continue reading "BIO 300: Physiology of Exercise"BIO 262: Introductory Ecology
Structure and function of ecosystems, limiting factors, population dynamics, population interactions, and community relationships.
Continue reading "BIO 262: Introductory Ecology"