Theory, attitudes and skills essential to effective and ethical public communication.
Continue reading "COM 202: Public Speaking"Tag: N/A
COM 361: Intercultural Communication
Study of cultural similarities and differences as they affect communication within and across cultural boundaries.
Continue reading "COM 361: Intercultural Communication"COM 381: Research Methods in Communication
Basic concepts and techniques of communication research.
Continue reading "COM 381: Research Methods in Communication"COM 440: Media Effects: Entertainment
Surveys social scientific theories and research on contemporary entertainment media.
Continue reading "COM 440: Media Effects: Entertainment"COM 442: Strategic Media Communication
Introduces strategic media relation tactics when responding to the media, specifically crisis communication situations.
Continue reading "COM 442: Strategic Media Communication"CVE 220: Mechanics of Materials
Mechanical properties of materials; analysis of members under axial, torsional, and transverse loads; stress and strain; beam deflections, and introduction to statically-indeterminate beams and buckling of columns.
Continue reading "CVE 220: Mechanics of Materials"ECN 390: Economics of Sports
This course will apply economic theory to various topics such as labor relations, contract negotiations between management and professional athletes, measuring why there is income inequality between men and women professional athlete, the impact revenue sharing, luxury tax, and salary cap have on professional sports teams, and financing sports stadiums.
Continue reading "ECN 390: Economics of Sports"EDC 506: Researching Language in Educational Settings
An introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods and design, data collection strategies, and methods of data analysis and interpretation in a second language-learning context.
Continue reading "EDC 506: Researching Language in Educational Settings"EDC 515: Structured English Immersion and Sheltered English
Methods and materials of Structured English Immersion and Sheltered English emphasizing teaching strategies for content and language learning.
Continue reading "EDC 515: Structured English Immersion and Sheltered English"EDC 558: Mentoring Applications: Formal and Informal
Delves into a variety of strategies and formats (face-to-face, online, collaborative, etc.
Continue reading "EDC 558: Mentoring Applications: Formal and Informal"