Cost and managerial accounting systems and concepts including cost allocation, actual and standard cost systems, cost and profit planning, and control systems.
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FLM 352: Topics in Film Media Critical Studies
Critical examination of historical, theoretical and aesthetic topics in world cinema.
Continue reading "FLM 352: Topics in Film Media Critical Studies"PHY 306: Elementary Modern Physics
Introduction to relativistic and quantum physics: special relativity theory, structure of atoms, molecules, nuclei, and solids including semiconductor devices; wave and particle properties (Lec.
Continue reading "PHY 306: Elementary Modern Physics"BIO 223: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory
Fundamental structure and function of organ systems of the human body explored through models, dissections, and experiments.
Continue reading "BIO 223: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory"AAF 399: Introduction to Multicultural Psychology
Introduction to multiculturalism as major paradigm.
Continue reading "AAF 399: Introduction to Multicultural Psychology"CCJ 450: White Collar Crime
An examination of white collar crime; its types, causes, consequences, and legal and public policies designed to control it.
Continue reading "CCJ 450: White Collar Crime"FIN 220: (BUS) Financial Management
Study of the basic principles of finance and the applications of these principles.
Continue reading "FIN 220: (BUS) Financial Management"COM 221: Interpersonal Communication
Examines basic theory and skills, including impart of perception, self-concept, listening, nonverbal messages, and language on interpersonal communication, including conflict, relationship development, friendship, family and romantic relationships.
Continue reading "COM 221: Interpersonal Communication"CCJ 290: Introduction to Corrections
Examines the origins and development of the modern correctional institution; traditional methods of punishment and rehabilitation; pains of imprisonment, community corrections and reentry and current innovations.
Continue reading "CCJ 290: Introduction to Corrections"PRS 100: Introduction to Public Relations
Examine and explore public relations principles, concepts and emerging trends associated with the role of the PR practitioner.
Continue reading "PRS 100: Introduction to Public Relations"